Alumni Visits & Reunions
Rosie Phillpot ( IHP ‘ 69- ’ 73 ) visited in May . Rosie remembers Jan Colijn and Paula Ward and says hi !
Aswin Mannepaeli ( IHP ‘ 07- ’ 09 ) visit .
Jonathan Gaev meeting with Naisan Barrett , celebrating 30 + years of friendship ...
I had the good fortune to meet my former iHouse neighbor , Naisan Barrett and her husband Michael during my trip to Long Beach , CA . They kindly met me at my hotel and took me to dinner . That ’ s saying a lot as they had to fight a lot of traffic in LA to do so .
Chuck Gupta with Lord Watson of Richmond . Lord Watson was a past chairman of the English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth from (‘ 99- ’ 05 ).
Naisan was my neighbor at IHP over 30 years ago . We are very proud of our friendship and we were delighted to think back about the fun that we had there and the friends we made . IHP is certainly a magical place .