I want to be an actor I want to be an actor | Page 41

3 . The academe can certainly help . But do not limit yourself with that . You have to expose yourself to experience the real thing . You can try doing theaters and plays . Or if luck won ’ t still allow it , you can apply as staff to these productions at first . This way , you can observe how the system works and you can meet a variety of people who can help you in the future .
4 . Networking is extremely important in this career . It matters who you know , especially when you are only starting . Only a few will be lucky enough to be tapped as actors . Most of the well-known actors of today have to tap a lot of doors and windows before fate lets them in . As much as possible , attend gatherings and parties wherein there are a lot of possibilities that you will be introduced to the right people . Don ’ t forget to bring along professional-looking business cards that you will be proud to pass along .
5 . Do not get tired at looking for opportunities . With the boom of the Internet age , many job offers for this scene are being posted online . You can also go through the entertainment or classified ads section of newspapers or on jobs postings on the boards of theaters , film or TV productions .
6 . You must be driven by your desire . You cannot give up the first time you get rejected . You have to go through a lot of auditions in your entire career . You have to prepare yourself to be let down in many occasions . Take them by heart and learn from them . They will certainly make you a better actor . They will help you on your future auditions .
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