I want to be an actor I want to be an actor | Page 20

that you get people ' s attention . As much as you can , star in as many quality projects as you can . Even if the role is not so long and the dialogue is not that much , at least you are there in the film . Some movie stars have started with doing films that are low budgeted . If you are lucky , the movie will become critically-acclaimed and will become your ticket to stardom . This is also why you should choose your roles and movies well . Becoming part of an art film with a great script beats being constantly on camera in lackluster movies .
2 . Try and Try A lot of the Hollywood greats right now have themselves suffered from rejection . Before they were stars , they also had to go through casting calls , which necessitated them to endure all the nitpicking of directors and casting manager . The secret is to try and try until you find the role that will fit your personality , the role that will launch you to stardom . After all , nobody became famous in an instant . All had to go through the same route .
3 . take care of your appearance Vain or not , appearance is pretty important to a movie star . This is one area where you will need to work on especially if you want to stand out in the crowd . This does not however refer only to the beauty of your features . When you say appearance , it represents your overall look especially when attending functions and events where photographers are everywhere . If you have the budget , hire a good stylist who can tell you what you can and cannot wear . This is a good way to catch people ' s attention . Lindsay Lohan became a fashion trendsetter first before she really rose to stardom .
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