I want to be an actor I want to be an actor | Page 19

How to develop an Acting Career
We all want to be movie stars and develop an acting career . If the glamorous parties and the invites are not enough enticements , just look at how much each of the Hollywood hotties are earning every time they have a movie . Some star ' s annual income can actually feed a state and maybe even a nation .
But becoming one is not as easy as it looks . Some people feel that you only have to have the looks in order to break into the movie scene but sometimes , this is not true . In fact , there are a lot of really classic beauties out there who have not made a name for themselves and have only remained as supporting actresses . The same goes with pretty boy actors who have to contend with two-bit roles .
There are however actresses who do not have the classically-accepted features but have become for themselves instant stars like Reese Witherspoon and Angelina Jolie . Comedy actors Jim Carrey and Ben Stillers are not actually classically handsome but their bankability in the box office make them handsome . SO what ' s the secret to having a great acting career ? How do you develop one and how do you break into the scene ?
1 . Exposure Nobody will know you if you are constantly hiding behind the scenes . If you want to be an actor or an actress , you have to go out there and make sure
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