You should also be careful when using a perfume or cologne since it could be too strong .
If you have never done an audition for this company before , do some research so you know what kind of work they specialize in . This will help you pick the right monologue for the audition . But if no information is given , just have your best ready and keep it under a minute . Should you be able to impress the director and they want to see more , have a few others prepared as well .
Sometimes , your audition will require you to sing rather than act to get the part . If this happens , bring along with you a clean and clearly marked sheet of music . Tell the musician what part of the song to play and make sure this is cut down to at least 16 bars .
Apart from your act , you should also prepare your resume and a headshot . You should bring at least 5 copies each because aside from giving a copy to the casting director , talents and scouts will probably want to get in touch with you in the future .
It should have your updated contact details so it will be easy for them to get hold of you for a call back . Both of these should be able to fit into a folder because those that don ’ t usually get thrown out . Don ’ t forget to write your name on the headshot even if a copy of your resume is already stapled on the back .
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