massage is good for the soul

In professional settings massage clients are treated while lying on a massage table, sitting in a massage chair, or lying on a mat on the floor, while in amateur settings a general purpose surface like a bed or floor is more common. Aquatic massage and bodywork is performed with recipients submersed or floating in a warm-water therapy pool. The massage subject may be fully or partially clothed or unclothed.

The Benefits Of Massage

What exactly are the benefits of receiving massage or bodywork treatments? Useful for all of the conditions listed below and more, massage can:

-Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.

-Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.

-Ease medication dependence.

-Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body's natural defense system.

-Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.

-Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.

-Improve the condition of the body's largest organ—the skin.

-Increase joint flexibility.

-Lessen depression and anxiety.

-Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.

--Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.

-Reduce postsurgery adhesions and swelling.

Reduce spasms and cramping.

Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.

Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller.

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Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, feet, or a massage device. Depending on the application and technique used, massage is used to promote relaxation and well-being and is beneficial in treating sports injuriesand other problems affecting the musculature of the body such as postural misalignment and many painful conditions. Massage can also be sexual in nature!