I-Media Volume 1 | Page 7


As with everything, there are limitations to some of these principles and interactive media in general which will always affect the final proucts being made.

The first limitation of interactive media is size of files. With alot of interactive media you have large file sizes as the files have a lot of data in. This can cause problems if you are trying to save a file where there is not much memory, e.g on a small memory stick or a packed hard drive.

Another limitation is format. Format is the type of file you have, for example a word document or an illistrator file. This can be a problem as sometimes if you are trying to open a file on a machine, it may not have the required software to run the file.

The Next limitation is download speed. If you have an average internet connection you be waiting for a long time while your file downloads. This is a probalem if you don't have a lot of time to wait too show a file.

The last limitation i have is plug-ins. If your interactive media has any forms of video or games on, you will need certain plug-ins to run them. As it is with formats, some computers or systems will not have these plug-ins and your media will not run correctly. iquam varius adipiscing


Interactivity and Control Principle

These principles are the way which media is interactive and how you can control the interactivity.

Timelines can be used on the media to show a timed perspective off what the media is about. These are commonly used on infographics too show information about a topic. Timelines on websites and apps allow the user too interact as you can click on a data and it will take you too more information about that specific time. Good interaction for the user and it allows the user to control what inforrmation they can look at.

Slideshows can be used too flick through images or information as an effective way off showing a presentation. This gives the creator control over what information is where and what order the information comes in.

Buttons are good for a variety of different media. A good example for buttons is on quiz game apps. The answers are usually buttons which can be pressed for you to select your answer, this gives you control on your answer.

Control over what you are doing is one of the most important things in interactive media. If a user has control they tend to have more fun doing something, so it is important to make sure they feel in control.