I-Media Volume 1 | Página 2


The Strict definition of interactive media is, a method of communication in which the program outputs are dependant on the users inputs. This is a strict definition which suggests in is strictly for communication, this isn't true as there are many forms of interactive media. A looser defenition of interactive media would be a program which engages the user to interact with it to reach an output. The most common forms of interactive media seen nowadays are web pages, video games and television shows which contain audiance participation.

Lets start with social networking. This is the most used interactive media by far and is still becoming increasingly popular amongst all ages and cultures. The population of the world is approximately 7 billion people, of these 25% are using a social network. That is a whopping 1.75 Billion people, that is a huge number when you think of the diversion which can communicate and interact all due to a few websites. As you can tell, Interactive media has one hell of an impact on society.