I-I NOISE | Page 2

Get To Know Your District Executive Officers!

Hello Mighty I-I,

My name is Paul Nagtalon and I am serving as your 2016-17 District Governor. I attend the Illinois Institute of Technology and study Architecture. Fun Fact: At one point in my college career, I was the parent of two red-eared slider turtles named Pip and Peppa and illegally kept them in my dorm. Not to worry, they have since then been taken care of by a friend in a proper home. I also am obsessed with Krispy Kreme, Panda Express, and Troye Sivan!

It has been well over a month since the start of the new CKI year and I've enjoyed every day serving all of you! Summer is upon us and school is almost over for some of us. Whether you are traveling back home, doing an internship, taking summer courses, or whatever it may be, service can be done. Summer is a great time to do beach clean-ups and socials, sell ice-cold water, have a picnic. Beat the heat and do some serving!

My job as the governor entails a lot of duties, but primarily to serve you, the members! My focus this year is to unify the district into one big service-loving family and to make every member feel like they're a part of something special and unique. Members have the opportunities to serve, to lead, and to create lasting friendships through CKI. If there's something you want to see your club do, suggest something to your club president or myself!

I hope you all get pumped because I-I CKI is going to be LIT!

Paul Nagtalon

I-I District Governor