i-Assistant - Registering as Self-Employed e4EatingOut Bristol April | Page 5

1st April Bristol Wine & Food Fair tickets go on sale. Festival takes place in July.

2nd April Raw Food Classes from Raw Freedom with Saskia. This workshop is all about motivating you to go raw.

3rd April Mother's Day - Don't forget!

10th April Food For Free. Learn what can be found around the Ashton Court Estate to grace the plate.

17th April Eat Chocolate Festival on The Glassboat. With market stalls, games and music on the dockside, an exhibition below decks plus a special menu onboard the boat.

29th April Vintage Royal Tea Afternoon at Bistro du Vin, Bristol. Celebrate the Royal wedding with Royal afternoon tea accompanied with live viewing of the Royal wedding.

10 April 2011 Start: 11:00 am - Finish: 12:00 pm

Learn what can be found across the estate to grace the plate. Pre-booking is essential. Meeting place will be given on booking.


Adult: £5.00 Child: Free