In consultation with my financial
planner, some basic things that I have
done include paying myself 10% every
time I receive income, giving at least
10% to my church, and setting aside a
designated amount each month into a
retirement account.
6. Create an emergency fund of at
least 36 months of living expenses
(mortgage, rent, insurance, food, car
note, gas, etc.). In today’s economy, I
would suggest 6 months. (And your
friends, family and coworkers are NOT
an emergency fund!)
7. Create additional income. It is not
wise to depend only on your job. Work
to earn, then save and invest. Maybe
you can monetize a side hustle. This is
also where a financial planner is
beneficial. Based on my consultation, I
have an Roth IRA, which is diversified
based on my personal characteristics
and goals. I also got involved in direct
sales and franchising to create
additional income streams. In the last
few years, I have been purchasing gold
in small and transaction friendly
quantities for a bit more financial
insurance. I have become a part of the
1% of the world population that owns
physical gold (a secret of the wealth
legacy builders).
People often ask, "April, are you sure
God wants us to be in business?" Well,
let’s look at biblical history: Abraham
was a wellknown cattleman and
Then, there was one of the first political
consultants, Joseph. God not only
gave Joseph dreams, but also the
wisdom and strategy he needed to
execute to save Egypt and the known
world. I share more on this in my book.
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