I AM Magazine Issue 22 Oct. 2015 1 | 页面 4

# 22 elcome to I AM Issue 22! Such a powerful number, the number 2. And, to have it doubled, well, this issue is destined to pack some serious punch. In numerology the number 22 is considered a master number. The ultimate survivor, an extremely resilient force, an overwhelming desire to achieve something extraordinary. I have to say, that sums up the I AM motive precisely and perhaps even the driving force behind it. SJ When I look back over the years of I AM, I stay focused on the great things I have discovered and the skills I have picked up along the way. These things, and these things alone, have been my reward. So many of us want to start our ‘own thing’. We want to be the next Lorna Jane, Oprah Winfrey or Mark Bouris. We want to take our ideas and effortlessly turn them into successful businesses, providing us with endless financial and emotional reward. Sadly however, this is not the reality for most of us who choose to venture into the small business game. My advice to all dream-goers out there, make sure you love what you do, because starting your ‘own thing’ comes with many risks and sometimes hard to see reward. Make sure when you lay in bed at night, you rest peacefully in the knowledge that what you have done has improved your life in some way – even if very small. The number 22 represents a ‘survivor’, the desire to do something extraordinary. And that is me. This is my ‘I AM’, and I know it is millions of other human beings out there also. We all have an inbuilt desire to do something extraordinary – it’s called purpose. And, doing something extraordinary doesn’t mean moving mountains or saving the world. To feel like something is extraordinary you simply have to feel it with your heart. You all know that feeling. Whether it’s completing an important project or even giving birth, these things are ‘your extraordinary’ because they were tasks that manifested in your heart. They are tasks that made you feel like you have purpose. Nobody is ordinary. Nobody! You simply have to choose the tasks that ‘float your boat’ and you will be successful in living that extraordinary life you truly desire - a life lived with purpose … a purpose that is unique to you. What floats your boat? Samantha Jane Iammagazine.com.au