Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution PDF / Program Review Free Download Tom Brimeyer | Página 6
Believe it or not, this connection between hypothyroidism and heart disease has been
well known for more than 70 years.
The research presented above was all conducted in the 2000’s but hypothyroidism
research pioneers like Dr. Broda Barnes had proven the hypothyroidism heart disease
connection as far back as the 1930’s.
Dr. Broda Barnes showed clearly through experimentation that when the thyroid gland
was removed to induce hypothyroidism, heart disease developed rapidly. Yet, even
today modern medicine continues to turn a blind eye and entirely ignore his research
that could have been used to better prevent and treat heart disease for the past 70
This trend of scientific ignorance is now continuing with cancer research as well.
The work of other brilliant scientists like Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize almost
a century ago for discovering and demonstrating the cellular defect that causes cancer,
continues to be ignored by modern medicine to this day while more than a half a million
people die of cancer every single year.
Yet, even today research continues to prove what Otto Warburg discovered so many
decades ago; hypothyroidism’s role in the development of cancer.
For example, the research recognizing the role of hypothyroidism and thyroid disease in
breast cancer is overwhelming. Following are just a few of the research studies that
demonstrate this:
Breast Cancer Res. 2003;5(5):R110-3. Epub 2003 Jun 5.
Breast cancer in association with thyroid disorders.
CONCLUSION: Our results indicate an increased prevalence of autoimmune and
nonautoimmune thyroid diseases in breast cancer patients.
Eur J Cancer Prev. 1996 Dec;5(6):504-6.
Thyroid disorders and breast cancer.
Excerpt: These findings provide clear evidence of a relationship between thyroid
disease and breast carcinoma…