Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution PDF / Program Review Free Download Tom Brimeyer | Page 30

For example, doctors typically prescribe T4 only medications like Synthroid or Levothyroxine that can easily lower TSH without actually delivering more of the right thyroid hormone to your cells or improving your thyroid function. The most important piece of the puzzle that you need to know is how much thyroid hormone you are getting to your cells and simply looking at TSH alone is highly inaccurate and leads to millions of people suffering with either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed hypothyroidism every day. Another reason why TSH tests are highly inaccurate is that they are based entirely on illogical reference ranges. Any lab test is only as accurate to the degree that its reference ranges are accurate. And there is a lot of evidence surrounding the illogical reference ranges that have been established for TSH. The original TSH reference ranges were based on the results of the Protein Bound Iodine test, which was one of the many tests that have been deemed entirely inaccurate and unreliable. So, basing TSH reference ranges on a test that was proven to be inaccurate and unreliable makes the results of the TSH test… inaccurate and unreliable at best! 2. Additional Thyroid Blood Testing There are a number of blood tests available for measuring various factors related to the thyroid hormone pathway including TSH, T4, T3, reverse T3, T3 Resin Uptake, Thyroglobulin, etc. One of the biggest benefits to additional blood testing is that if you understand the physiology and roles that all of these hormones play within the human body, then you can begin to gain some insight into what the potential problems, or kinks, are that are disrupting your thyroid function. However, they still do not answer the one single question that continues to elude modern medicine even today, which is how much thyroid hormone is actually getting to and being used by your cells. 5