Hyperlipidemia Market Insights, Epidemiology and Market Forecast Hyperlipidemia-API Insights, 2017 | Page 3

Hyperlipidemia-API Insights, 2017 Data Sources of Hyperlipidemia Market Report The Hyperlipidemia Market report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by team of industry experts. Secondary sources information and data has been collected from various printable and non- printable sources like search engines, News websites, Government Websites, Trade Journals, White papers, Magazines, Trade associations, Books, Industry Portals, Industry Associations and access to available databases. The report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by team of industry experts. Secondary sources information and data has been collected from various printable and non-printable sources like search engines, News websites, Government Websites, Trade Journals, White papers, Magazines, Trade associations, Books, Industry Portals, Industry Associations and access to available databases. Scope of Hyperlipidemia Market A snapshot of the global Market therapeutics scenario for Hyperlipidemia. A review of the marketed products under prescription for Hyperlipidemia, regulatory information and marketing status. Coverage of global patent coverage and detailed commentaries on the US patent challenges. Graphical representation of investigational products for patent expiry and market exclusivities across the globe.