Hyflux Water and Wastewater Desalination - GineersNow Engineering Water Technology Trends with Hyflux - GineersNow | Page 9
If you’re reading this, make sure you look around you and realize
that you’re one of the lucky few people who can easily get water
from the sink without ever having to worry about the lack of clean
water supply. Unfortunately, most of us just take advantage of
the idea that clean water will always be there. The truth is we’re
running out of freshwater supply and it’s evident in so many
regions of this planet already. Millions of people are already
suffering from the lack of access to clean water. It’s terrifying
to think about a future where only billionaires can afford water.
What was once taken for granted will become the most valuable
resource to survive in this ever-changing world.
As part of GineersNow’s plan to spread the news on the
vulnerability of today’s water supply, we are launching
GineersNow: Water Leaders. In this magazine, we will feature
different organizations that provide new and better water
technologies to help solve today’s challenges and give the best
solutions to several problems for private organizations and
Featured on the very first issue of GineersNow: Water Leaders
is Olivia Lum, the Executive Chairman and Group CEO of Hylux.
Considered to be one of the most influential water leaders in the
world, she shares the latest trends in water technology and the
future of her company and the water industry.
This month’s issue also puts the spotlight on interesting water
technologies from different parts of the globe. From a cloud that
rains tequila in Germany to a device that generates electricity out
of water in the Philippines, find out what engineers and scientists
are developing inside the water industry today.
We’ve also added some of our best leadership articles to help any
engineer become better at work. Are you a workaholic already?
Have you ever wondered if you already reached your full potential
at your workplace? Do you want to become productive and
happier when working? We’ve got helpful tips t o get you started
on becoming a better version of you.
So sit back and learn something new in this industry today. Keep
up with the latest trends on the water industry with GineersNow:
Water Leaders.
Engr. Alice Hernandez
Senior Editor-at-Large