Hydroponics GAT An Introduction To Hydroponic Gardening | Page 10

• Timers : You will have to buy timers to ensure that the whole process works in a systematic way , and the role timers play makes them one of the most important hydroponic supplies . You will have to attach timers to the water pumps to ensure that they deliver enough water and nutrients after regular intervals . The timers also play a role in flushing out water from the grow trays and back to the reservoir . Grow lights are important but they also need timers to function properly . You will also have to use timers to control ventilation systems , heating systems , and more . You can find a variety of timers today , but you will be better off buying digital timers because they are more advanced and accurate .
• Growing Medium : Without the use of growing medium , your crops will never grow . Your crops will use the medium to find physical support . It is important to bear in mind that you may need different growing medium depending on the plant you are trying to grow . Just ensure that the medium you are using is capable of retaining moisture , so you do not have to water your plants that often .
• Hydroponic Nutrients : Since you are growing plants without soil , you have to do something to provide them with important nutrients . This is exactly when you can find nutrient solutions that you can deliver to the plant with the help of a pump . It would not be wrong to suggest that hydroponic nutrients are among the most important hydroponic supplies without which your plants will never grow .
• Reservoirs : You have to store the nutrient solution properly and that is when you will have to invest in a container or reservoir . You will have to install your pumps and timers in the reservoir to help deliver nutrients to the plant in a systematic way . It is usually a good idea to opt for bigger reservoirs .