[ industry update ]
Gradiant launches end-to-end solution for electrolyzer-ready water Gradiant has launched ProtiumSource , an end-toend solution for electrolyzerready water .
As a feedwater-agnostic solution , ProtiumSource guarantees the delivery of high-purity , electrolyzerready water from any feedwater input , including seawater , brackish water , and treated wastewater , making it highly adaptable to operating environments with limited access to high-quality input water . Additionally , it mitigates the challenge of managing brine by recycling all water with the option to produce zero or minimal liquid discharge . The system also claims to offer industryleading efficiency , utilizing Gradiant ’ s RO Infinity with CFRO technology to deliver what the company describes as best-in-class performance with the lowest energy demand , reducing overall capital requirements for renewable energy infrastructure . Furthermore , ProtiumSource is said to ensure the lowest total life cycle costs by providing high-purity source water that exceeds the specified requirements for all electrolyzer systems , extending their usable life and reducing CAPEX , OPEX , and total life cycle costs .
ProtiumSource is the result of collaboration , combining the recently acquired H + E Group ’ s decades of ultrapure water expertise with innovation from The Gradiant Labs .
Saipem unveils largescale green hydrogen production solution Saipem has unveiled IVHY™ 100 , a 100-MW green hydrogen production solution leveraging Nel ’ s alkaline electrolyser technology . The solution is designed and industrialized to be scalable , modular , and facilitate the installation and commissioning of large-scale systems .
The project is part of a collaboration between the two companies , with Nel , as the technology provider , offering its alkaline and PEM electrolyser technology along with ancillary technical services , while Saipem , as the engineering service provider and EPC contractor , will be responsible for the basic design , detailed engineering , procurement , and construction of the overall green hydrogen facilities .
“ The IVHY™ 100 concept represents a significant step forward to promote innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of renewable hydrogen ,” said Guido d ’ Aloisio , Chief Commercial Officer at Saipem . “ Indeed , we aim to meet the increasing demand to reduce carbon emissions in challenging industries by utilizing renewable hydrogen . In addition , we focus on creating hydrogen derivatives like ammonia , methanol , and sustainable fuels .”
Air Liquide inaugurates 20-MW electrolyser in Oberhausen , Germany On 26 August , Air Liquide inaugurated its 20-MW electrolyser at its Oberhausen site in Germany . The plant is connected to Air Liquide ’ s existing hydrogen pipeline , allowing it to supply key industries and zero-emission mobility in the Rhine and Ruhr area with up to 2,900 tons of green hydrogen annually .
Named ‘ Trailblazer ’, the 20-MW PEM electrolyser is the largest production plant for renewable hydrogen in Germany connected to existing infrastructure . The facility makes a significant contribution to the energy transition and serves as a backbone for key industries such as steel , chemicals , and refinery , as well as for mobility . The electrolyser stacks were manufactured at the Air Liquide-Siemens Energy joint venture gigafactory in Berlin .
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 18 | October 2024 7