[ industry update ]
Quest One opens Gigahub in Hamburg , Germany On 30 September , Quest One inaugurated its new Gigahub in Hamburg , Germany , dedicated to the serial and automated production of electrolysis stacks . With the opening of this new production site , the company , formerly known as H-TEC SYSTEMS , has officially rebranded as Quest One .
Once fully expanded , the new Gigahub will enable the automated series production of PEM stacks with a potential total electrolysis capacity of over 5 GW per year .
The highly automated stack production takes place on two production lines : one utilizing a linear transport system and the other employing swivel-arm robots . Many work steps that were previously carried out manually are now automated , reducing stack production time by around 75 %. Stacks can now be produced in Hamburg in under an hour .
Thanks to automation , the company is also improving manufacturing efficiency and precision , optimizing logistics processes , and ensuring consistently high product
quality with faster delivery times .
The new production and development site plays a central role in realizing the Quest One ’ s mission to avoid one percent of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through the use of its own electrolyzers .
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Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 18 | October 2024 5