Hydrogen Tech World October 2023 | Page 19

[ electrolysis ]
Stack lifetime ( hr )
0 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
However , this heightened efficiency comes at a cost . The continuous exposure to extreme temperatures takes a toll on SOEC durability , primarily due to thermal stress . Current SOEC components struggle to maintain a long lifespan under these conditions , presenting a significant challenge for widespread adoption .
Presently , SOEC stack lifetimes are around 20,000 hours , one-third of PEM lifetimes and one-fourth of AE stack cells . The degradation rate for SOEC remains high , posing a hurdle compared to other established technologies . The IEA anticipates a threefold increase in SOEC lifetime by 2050 , narrowing the gap with other technologies but not closing it .
Research and development efforts are actively addressing material durability issues . Various trends are emerging , such as exploring mixed ionic and electronic conductors for oxygen electrodes and different perovskite materials for fuel electrodes . Reversibility in SOECs , with consideration for electrochemical ( EC ) and fuel cell ( FC ) modes , is being examined , which could enhance the durability of electrode and electrolyte interfaces . There is also exploration into proton-conducting cells as an alternative to oxygen ion-conducting cells , as well as the potential benefits of lower-temperature solid oxide cells ( below 500 ° C ), which could unlock new materials and mitigate thermal degradation issues .
In summary , while the high-temperature operation of SOECs offers high efficiency , it also poses challenges for durability . The ongoing R & D efforts seek to strike a balance , addressing these challenges to harness the full potential of SOECs in the realm of hydrogen production .
Cost dynamics
As a nascent technology , SOEC is considered one of the most expensive types of electrolyzers , with capital costs ranging from USD 2,800 to USD 5,600 per kW according to IEA ’ s 2019 data . These costs are two to three times higher than those of PEM and AE . The high costs can be attributed to various factors , including
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 12 | October 2023 19