[ editorial ]
Dear readers ,
With this first issue of Hydrogen Tech World in 2025 , we also mark a significant milestone – our 20th edition . Over the past three years , Hydrogen Tech World has grown into a trusted resource for professionals across the hydrogen value chain , and we remain committed to delivering valuable insights into the latest developments , challenges , and innovations shaping the industry .
A great deal of attention in the hydrogen sector is devoted to electrolyser systems and other core technologies essential to hydrogen production , storage , transport , and utilisation . However , it is equally important to recognise the vital role of specialised materials and components in ensuring the safe , reliable , and efficient operation of these systems . This issue ’ s cover story on Greene Tweed highlights how advances in materials science are driving industry progress . With expertise in high-performance elastomers , composites , and engineered components , the company is developing solutions that not only enable emerging technologies but also enhance the durability and performance of existing hydrogen equipment and components , addressing key challenges such as material compatibility and system longevity .
Alongside this , we present a selection of articles that reflect the breadth of advances within the sector . A case study from Sweden details how Ovako has successfully incorporated fossil-free hydrogen into its steel heating processes , setting a precedent for industrial decarbonisation . The project demonstrates the practicalities of integrating hydrogen into energy-intensive manufacturing and offers valuable lessons for other sectors seeking to transition away from fossil fuels .
This issue also examines the production of e-methanol , a synthetic fuel derived from green hydrogen and captured CO 2
. As interest in power-to-liquid technologies continues to grow , this article analyses the technical and economic aspects of scaling up e-methanol production , a fuel with significant potential for use in shipping , chemicals , and aviation . Meanwhile , another article highlights how digital tools are reshaping the hydrogen industry . As deployment accelerates , data-driven solutions , digital twins , and predictive maintenance are proving indispensable in optimising system performance , reducing operational costs , and enhancing efficiency .
Another highlight is the unveiling of the full programme for Hydrogen Tech World Conference 2025 , which will take place in Düsseldorf on 13 – 14 May . Dedicated to the integration of electrolysers into industrial facilities , the conference will feature expert speakers from engineering firms , system integrators , industrial end users , and other key stakeholders . With real-world case studies and discussions on CAPEX reduction strategies , system optimisation , and hydrogen ’ s role in industries such as steel , refining , and e-fuels , the event promises to provide invaluable insights for those at the forefront of industrial hydrogen adoption . Its single-track format will ensure an engaging , focused programme , fostering meaningful discussions and networking .
We hope you find this issue both informative and thought-provoking and look forward to seeing many of you in Düsseldorf in May . If you are interested in attending , speaking , or sponsoring , visit our website for more details .
Wishing you an insightful read ,
Matjaž Matošec
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 20 | February 2025 3