Hydrogen Tech World February 2023 | Page 36

[ sealings ]
Fig . 1 : Test system for determining hydrogen leakage
temperature . Accordingly , the obtained Q min values represent the surface loads required for the gasket installation , whereas the Q smin simulate the leakage in-service conditions . As this technique has recourse to a sensitive mass spectrometer as the detector , very low leaks can be detected . Gasket data according to DIN EN 13555 are the bases for the flange-calculation according to EN
1591-1 , and allow the validation of flanged connections for TA-Luft .
• In TA-Luft and VDI 2440 – VDI 2200 ( VDI 2440 / 2200 ), and following a defined heat treatment cycle applied to the gasket , the helium gas ( as the test medium ) leak is measured at room temperature under 1 bar ( internal pressure ) and 30 MPa of gasket surface load . Here also this technique
H 2 testing setup : technical characteristics
• Gasket dimensions / format : accommodates DN40 / PN40
• Hydrogen gas medium composition : up to 100 % ( i . e ., pure hydrogen )
• Testing temperature : room temperature
• Internal pressure ( of the fluid medium ): up to 140 bar
• Gasket surface stress : can be optionally varied
• Leak detection : by mass spectrometry
H 2 testing setup : special features & advantages
• Direct data acquisition for helium or hydrogen leak per gasket obviating the need for gasket exchange and excluding comparison errors
• Comparable simulation to actual in-field service parameters for flanged installations
36 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 8 | February 2023