Hydrogen Tech World February 2023 | Page 3

[ editorial ]

Dear readers ,

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the eighth issue of the Hydrogen Tech World magazine . Looking back at 2022 , I am proud to observe that Hydrogen Tech World has firmly established itself as a trusted knowledge platform for the exchange and dissemination of information , know-how , best practices , and experience in the field of technologies associated with hydrogen production via water electrolysis , hydrogen transport and distribution . In just over year , we have built a global community of over 10,000 industry professionals subscribed to this magazine and our newsletter or following us on LinkedIn !
This would not have been possible without the input of our contributors , whose insights and expertise shared in the form of technical articles , opinion pieces and interviews are the core drivers behind the rapid growth of the HTW community .
The present issue features articles from 14 first-time contributors to this magazine , covering a broad range of relevant topics . They include a review of standards and best practices to design a safe gaseous hydrogen system in an industrial setting , an introduction to the permeation of hydrogen through polymers , an overview of how automation technology is helping to accelerate the transition to a clean-fuel economy , a case study on how additive manufacturing can drive down the cost of hydrogen equipment , a summary of findings of permeability tests with helium and hydrogen on soft gasket materials , and a concise review of materials for solid-state hydrogen storage .
The cover story features H-TEC SYSTEMS , a German electrolyser manufacturer that is focused on delivering what matters most – efficiency and availability . With more than 25 years of experience in PEM electrolysis and – as a daughter company of MAN Energy Solutions – operating under the umbrella of the German giant Volkswagen , H-TEC SYSTEMS has all it takes to realise its strategic objective to become one of the top three players in the global PEM electrolyser market . As the Augsburg-headquartered tech business prepares to go large scale , we talked to Jonas Wahl , Director of Product Management , to learn more about the company ’ s current projects and vision for the future .
In the centre pages of this issue , you will find the full program of the upcoming Hydrogen Tech World Conference , which is to be held on 4 and 5 April in Essen , Germany , in conjunction with the Green Steel World Expo & Conference . This will be the first in-person gathering of the rapidly growing Hydrogen Tech World and Green Steel World communities , marking the beginning of what is to become an annual affair . Have a look at the conference timetable to discover the line-up of speakers and topics – all cherry-picked to make this a not-to-be-missed event for all stakeholders involved in the hydrogen sector .
I already look forward to meeting many of you in just over a month in Essen ! Meanwhile , if interested in contributing an article to this magazine , please feel encouraged to contact me at m . matosec @ kci-world . com .
Wishing you much reading pleasure ,
Matjaž Matošec
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 8 | February 2023 3