Hydrogen Tech World February 2023 | Page 12

[ safety ]

Hydrogen gas safety standards and best practices Part 1 : Industrial storage

Although many different types of facilities use hydrogen , nearly all are likely to contain a gasified storage system in some form or another . The hazards with hydrogen storage are mainly due to its unique physical properties . This article provides a review of standards and best practices to design a safe gaseous hydrogen system in an industrial setting .
By Milad Eskandar , Daniel Brosig and Matt Russell , Gas Cleaning Technologies LLC , and John Boyle , John Boyle Consulting LLC
Storage vessels
A challenge when dealing with a gaseous hydrogen storage system is the high pressure typically needed when compared to other gases . Due to its low molar mass , to store an equivalent mass of hydrogen at a given temperature and volume , the pressure must be 16 times higher than that of an oxygen storage system . In industrial applications , composite-reinforced pressure vessels are not economically feasible ; for this reason , metallic vessels are used , allowing for usual operating pressures between 20 and 30 MPa . This type of container leads to relatively poor mass storage efficiency where the mass of the stored hydrogen is only about 1 % of the mass of the operational container . 1
12 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 8 | February 2023