Hydrogen Tech World December 2024 | Page 44

[ column ]
Enhancing end-user resilience
Enhancing backup at the end-user location and proliferating microgrids adds a level of redundancy and resilience missing today . Sourcing power closer to the end user mitigates transmission and distribution restraints and creates the opportunity for ‘ islanding ’ or disconnecting from the grid altogether . This is where hydrogen fits into the puzzle .
Hydrogen fuel cells are utilized for emergency power for both small-scale and large-scale applications . Small-scale stationary power fuel cell sites , generally less than 100 kW , offer longer run times than batteries alone and require less frequent refueling than traditional generators . Sustainability and a desire to reduce emissions drive much of the interest . However , economic and operational benefits play into the decision .
Hydrogen backup in telecom infrastructure
One prominent use case for hydrogen as a backup source can be found at wireless towers . These small-scale sites are a strong fit because of the longer run time than batteries alone and elimination of fossil fuels . Fuel cell use is growing at wireless sites throughout Asia , and SFC Energy is deploying stationary power fuel cells for auxiliary power in public safety communication networks in Europe . However , the largest deployment of fuel cells in wireless communication networks is in the United States at Southern Company .
Southern Company deployed hydrogen fuel cells at over 500 wireless towers across the Southeastern United States to extend service in the case of a power outage . The fuel cell extended the run time to three to five days , compared to four to eight hours for batteries alone . The longer reserve time proved critical to the operations of the network as this area is prone to hurricanes and other weather-related extended power outages .
The business case for fuel cells resulted in a lower total cost of ownership in part because of the smaller space required . The site footprint consists of an equipment cabinet that houses the electronics , fuel cell , and small battery string . The second cabinet holds high-pressure cylinders of hydrogen . Refueling of the hydrogen cabinet is done with a portable hydrogen trailer . Southern Company eliminated a generator from the architecture , which drastically reduced both the capital cost and the real estate allocated at each site . The network of fuel cells has operated in the field for close to ten years with a strong track record of performance .
Large-scale backup power with hydrogen fuel cells
Although early in development , large-scale hydrogen fuel cell backup power is gaining interest , particularly in the data center market . Cloud computing firm Equinix has begun evaluating hydrogen in its global network , piloting fuel cells at sites in Dublin and Singapore as part of a demonstration program to use hydrogen for emergency power . The company hopes to confirm the viability of hydrogen as a replacement for diesel gensets , with the potential to expand to other sites if successful .
In one of the most visible hydrogen fuel cell programs in the data center industry , Microsoft partnered with Plug Power on a 3-MW fuel cell , large enough to replace a traditional generator .
44 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 19 | December 2024