Hydrogen Tech World December 2024 | Page 18

[ storage ]
Direct Air Capture ( DAC )
Liquid Direct Air Capture ( L-DAC ) uses the strong affinity of KOH for CO 2 to capture the small amount of CO 2 in the air . Figure 3 illustrates how the contactor loop captures
CO 2
, resulting in the formation of potassium carbonate ( K 2
CO 3
). In the pellet reactor , this
K 2
CO 3 is reacted with slaked lime to regenerate KOH , which is returned to the air contactor . The limestone produced is transferred to contactor Loop 2 , where the CO 2 is released by heating the limestone at high temperatures ( 800 ° C to 900 ° C ), completing the cycle . The pellet reactor acts as an interface between Loop 1 and Loop 2 , facilitating the continuous process of capture and regeneration .
DAC-FC system integration
ShipTown has pioneered the integration of alkaline fuel cells ( AFC ) with direct air capture ( DAC ) technology to create the DAC-FC ( Direct Air Capture Fuel Cell ). This system efficiently
addresses CO 2 capture by utilising the reaction between slaked lime and CO 2 to produce limestone . The resulting limestone is easy to handle and store , or it can be recycled back into slaked lime , making the process even more sustainable . By incorporating this process into the DAC-FC , the system solves the CO 2 problem , as the regeneration of potassium hydroxide ( KOH ) and the production of limestone form a continuous closed loop . This innovation offers high efficiency , a simple design , affordable and abundant raw materials , long operating life , and a negative carbon footprint .
The H-Battery : a multifunctional energy solution
On this basis , we have developed the H-Battery , which combines the capabilities of AFC and DAC into a single reversible system . The H-Battery performs three critical functions : generating electricity from hydrogen , producing hydrogen from electricity , and capturing CO 2
Fig . 3 . L-DAC ( Liquid Direct Air Capture ) process diagram
18 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 19 | December 2024