[ safety ]
• Flaring . Unless a steady flow of hydrogen is continually vented , flaring is not recommended . Flaring requires a constant velocity and controls to ensure that the flare is not extinguished and air is not allowed to backflow into the vent stack .
• Inert gases . Inert gases are not typically used for extinguishing fires in a hydrogen vent system . If a fire occurs at the top of a vent stack , the best action is to isolate the source or let the hydrogen fire burn out . Putting the hydrogen fire out without isolating the source allows a build-up of hydrogen that can lead to reignition and increases the risk of an explosion .
• Mufflers or silencers . Silencers are usually not used due to high-pressure drop at the required flow rates . Codes such as EIGA 211 / 17 , Hydrogen Vent Systems for Customer Applications expressly prohibit the use of silencers .
In conclusion , many conditions must be considered during design and verified during installation . Observing best safety practices and sound engineering principles and performing a thorough hazard review will minimize the potential for injury or property damage and bolster stakeholder confidence in hydrogen systems .
About the CHS and HSP
Founded in 2018 ,
the Center for Hydrogen Safety ( CHS ) is a non-profit , unbiased corporate membership organization that promotes the safe operation , handling , and use of hydrogen and hydrogen systems across all installations and applications . A global technical community within the American Institute of Chemical Engineers ( AIChE ), the CHS builds upon the technical expertise embodied by AIChE , its Center for Chemical Process Safety ( CCPS ), and partnering organizations to identify and address concerns regarding the safe use of hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier , in commercial and industrial applications , and in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies .
A trusted and highly respected resource ,
the Hydrogen Safety Panel ( HSP ) is a pioneer in reducing knowledge barriers to hydrogen fuel cell deployment and enabling timely technology adoption by cities and communities . Building on its diverse knowledge , rich experience , and technical objectivity , this not-for-profit expert panel utilizes safety reviews , research , information dissemination , and training to help government agencies , industry and other stakeholders ensure that hydrogen is safely stored and handled .
38 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 7 | December 2022