Hydrogen Tech World August 2024 | Page 51

[ technology news ]
New electrolysis cells pave way for cheaper hydrogen Researchers the Technical University of Denmark ( DTU ) have fabricated and tested a new type of ceramic electrolysis cells with Ni-GDC fuel electrodes and demonstrated that instead of wearing out , the electrodes maintain their performance .
Professor at DTU Henrik Lund Frandsen estimates that the increased lifetime of Ni- GDC electrolysis cells can lead to significant savings in material consumption in future powerto-x plants and reduce the price of green hydrogen by up to 5 %.
“ If we can get ceramic electrolysis cells into powerto-x technology in enough places around the world , their efficiency means that you can save 25 % of all the electricity needed to produce the same amount of green fuel and save up to about 20 % of the price of hydrogen . And if we also improve the lifespan of the technology , it will result in material savings , which will mean a further price reduction of 5 %,” said Frandsen .
The experiments to evaluate the stability of the Ni-GDC electrodes were conducted by postdoc Morten Phan Klitkou and others at DTU . The tests were performed at different currents for 1,000 hours . The results showed that the resistance in the fuel electrode only degraded slightly at very high current draws . The experiments showed that the primary degradation mechanism of conventional ceramic electrolysis cells could be avoided as the nickel in the electrode did not move even under the high current draw . Current cell technology would not have been able to tolerate the same strain .
However , the researchers found that there are still some challenges with the new electrolysis cells , where the new materials have caused another problem in the electrolyte . Despite this new complication , the researchers believe that the test results with the Ni- GDC electrolysis cells are very positive and show a scalable path to manufacturing highly efficient and long-lasting electrolysis cells .
H2scan introduces hydrogen analyzers for hazardous locations H2scan has introduced the intrinsically safe ( IS ) Gen 5 Hydrogen Analyzer Series , featuring self-calibrating , solidstate sensors for hazardous location applications . This series integrates H2scan ’ s proven Gen 5 self-calibration technology into a robust analyzer suitable for a broad range of applications .
Analytical instrument OEMs and end users measuring hydrogen concentration can use the IS Gen 5 to improve hydrogen process efficiency and ensure more reliable systems for the safety of their staff and assets .
At the core of the IS Gen 5 is H2scan ’ s proprietary , robust solid-state analyzer that self-calibrates to maintain long-term accuracy for 10 years . This innovation eliminates hydrogen-related maintenance requirements and associated operating costs compared to traditional hydrogen analyzer systems that often require periodic maintenance , reference gases or replacement .
The IS Gen 5 safety products will join the company ’ s HY- ALERTA brand ( model 5320 ), and the process products will be under the HY-OPTIMA brand ( models 5331 , 5332 , 5333 and 5334 ). The HY-OPTIMA 5332 is particularly suited for electrolyzer safety applications . The analyzer ’ s ability to measure hydrogen in the hightemperature , high-humidity process stream without the need for calibration shutdowns makes it a highly desirable safety analyzer in this growing market segment .
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 17 | August 2024 51