Hydrogen Tech World August 2023 | Page 9

[ cover story ]
Complex containerised systems
Our partner has been commissioned to supply a containerised solution for two large-scale projects , each involving a 1 MW electrolyser . As an expert in the actual E-modules ( stacks ), they provide both the basic engineering and the process technology . BUTTING CryoTech contributes its expertise to these projects in various ways . For example , the BUTTING Group company is responsible for the detailed engineering of the complete pipework . Furthermore , the production of the steel support frame for pipeline assembly and the welding of stainless steel pipelines are carried out in Burgkirchen .
Finally , BUTTING CryoTech also handles the complete installation of all components . In addition to the pipes produced in-house , the valves and fittings as well as the electrical components – such as the control cabinet for water treatment and post-purification – are provided by the customer and assembled on site .
This is only one example of the possibilities for ‘ one stop shop solutions ’, along with filling stations , valve skids , and dispensers , which are all in the range of products that will be performed from engineering to final inspection .
Clean mobility with BUTTING CryoTech
The European Climate Law has introduced legally binding targets for the first time , aiming for Europe to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 % by 2030 , compared to 1990 levels . 1 The logistics industry is also under pressure from the EU to implement and comply with these binding climate protection targets . For instance , a single diesel van covering 100,000 kilometres annually emits approximately 65 tonnes of CO 2
. By 2025 , new models of transport vehicles are expected to emit 15 % less CO 2 on average , with a target of at least 30 % reduction by 2030 , based on 2019 / 20 as the reference period . 2
Hydrogen-powered vehicles represent an alternative to conventional combustion engines . They are quieter , require less maintenance , and if the hydrogen is produced from renewable sources , they are carbon neutral . The use of 5,000 hydrogen trucks , for example , could lead to an annual reduction of 325,000 tonnes of CO 2 emissions . 3
Thanks to its expertise and longstanding experience , BUTTING CryoTech has recently been commissioned to develop and manufacture a hydrogen refuelling system for trucks . To achieve a range comparable to diesel-powered vehicles , long-range commercial
“ This assignment was a pilot project for us . It involves a very complex system , with an extensive range of tasks for us – from engineering to production to assembly . This required a lot of coordination with our French partner . We are all the more proud that we were able to complete this project successfully and to the complete satisfaction of our French customer . We have thus set an important milestone for BUTTING CryoTech . It is a flagship project for the hydrogen industry , which has a pioneering signal effect for numerous follow-up projects . This makes us part of the future in the production of green hydrogen ,” explains Matthias Leber , Senior Sales Manager at BUTTING CryoTech .
BUTTING CryoTech ’ s vacuum insulated piping ( VIP ) valve skid
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 11 | August 2023 9