Hydrogen Tech World August 2023 | Page 43

[ materials ] have seen that crosslinking improves chemical resistance and mechanical properties in general , so crosslinked , unfilled PEEK may now be a suitable solution for these environments .”
Electrolyzers are not the only equipment that needs a new material compatible with the hydrogen environment . “ Fuel cells need material solutions that can withstand challenges , such as material outgassing , chemical compatibility , or degradation of mechanical properties at increased temperatures . Piston rings in compressors and seats in valves are reaching the limit of existing materials to work at very high pressures , and without any lubrication ,” says Philippe Allienne , Industry Expansion Manager at Greene Tweed . According to him , Arlon 3000XT ® has been able to meet these challenges because Greene Tweed scientists have been continually enhancing the base technology to develop custom compounds for specific hydrogen applications .
One such example is filled grades . “ Future hydrogen reciprocating compressors will have to handle more extreme environments and existing materials that used to work , like filled grades of PTFE or PEEK , will not be suitable anymore . We knew that Arlon 3000XT ® could provide better performance . However , this material was not developed for wear and friction applications , so we had to optimize it to improve its tribological properties ,” elaborates Kerry . He goes on to explain with an example : “ You can think of it like a dough . It ’ s up to you , whether you want to make a pizza or a cookie . So , we modified the formulation to make a material suitable for wear application in a reciprocating compressor .”
Validating the solution
The transformative potential of Arlon 3000XT ® is not a mere hypothesis . To ensure that the solutions can withstand hydrogen environments , Greene Tweed tested the material as part of an important research program on material behavior under exposure to hydrogen led by two U . S . national labs . Results from these rigorous high-pressure cyclic exposure tests demonstrated remarkable stability under extreme conditions seen in hydrogen applications , providing tangible evidence of its suitability for hydrogen applications .
Ideal material for decarbonization ?
The unique properties of Arlon 3000XT ® enable this material to push the limits of traditional PEEK grades available . Beside hydrogen , Arlon 3000XT ® could also solve challenges inherent to the carbon capture industry , for instance . Research shows that the base PEEK polymer could offer superior wetting results compared to metal and other plastics when used as packings for absorber columns . 1 Using a cross-linked PEEK could increase the high temperature mechanical strength and chemical resistance of PEEK packings , making Arlon 3000XT ® an ideal solution to solve the increasing number of material challenges generated by the growing trend of decarbonization .
Crosslinking is a known technique for improvement of chemical resistance and reduction of swelling for polymers . In addition , the higher temperature capabilities of Arlon 3000XT ® compared to PEEK allow for its use at temperatures close to the boiling points of the CCU CO2BOLs ( Binding Organic Liquids ), which may range from 230 to 310 ° C .
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory . ( August 27 , 2019 ). Molecular Refinement of Transformational Solvents for CO 2
Separations .
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 11 | August 2023 43