Hydrogen Tech World August 2023 | Page 36

[ storage ]
Conversion potential of salt caverns in Europe From natural gas to hydrogen storage EU27 + UK
160 200
Current storage volumes
Salt Caverns
Hydrogen storage
Depleted fields
Salt Caverns
UGS of multiple types
Due to hydrogen ’ s lower energy content compared to natural gas , converting only existing salt caverns would result in a significant reduction in storage volumes , leaving Europe with only 4 % of its current volume . Image credit : Storengy Deutschland GmbH
What is SaltHy ?
As part of the SaltHy project launched in 2021 , the existing natural gas storage facility in Harsefeld will be expanded to store green hydrogen . The storage facility near Hamburg will be constructed in the second part of this decade at a depth of around 1,200 – 1,500 metres and will initially hold up to 5,000 tonnes of hydrogen . The project will therefore make an important contribution to developing a hydrogen infrastructure in northwest Germany .
Current status of the project
In 2022 , Storengy Deutschland verified the site ’ s geological and technical suitability for storing hydrogen . Hydrogen storage facilities such as SaltHy will play a key role in connecting the energy infrastructure within the European Union . In this context , Storengy Deutschland has submitted the scheme to the EU Commission as a Project of Common Interest ( PCI ). At the national level , SaltHy is already listed as a storage facility in the National Hydrogen Council ’ s roadmap .
Connection to relevant transport networks
Storengy plans to connect the new hydrogen storage facility to Gasunie ’ s regional pipeline network , HyPerLink . This will provide direct access to the Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub distribution networks and the Danish transport grid . SaltHy is therefore contributing to the safe and efficient development of an import route between Denmark , as a potential exporter of green hydrogen , and German consumption centres , e . g ., in industry , shipping and aviation .
HyPSTER is the first EU-supported project for large-scale green hydrogen underground storage in salt caverns . This year , the demonstration facility , located in Etrez , France , will store around three tons of hydrogen and simulate 100 injection / withdrawal cycles . Photo credit : ArcomDesign
36 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 11 | August 2023