Hydrogen Tech World April 2024 | Page 24

[ materials ]
Lesson 4 : Materials research is essential , but by itself , it will not lead to the commercially viable fuel cells – what ’ s needed is a balanced designmaterials compromise .
Developers are actively pursuing the options for achieving commercially successful fuel cell , solving issues of fuel cell reliability , cost , and design of products for mass production .
These involves nailing down the detailed layer ( cell design ) specifications for the cell materials ( like catalyst support , membrane / electrolyte , electrodes , gas distribution layers , bipolar plates ) and layer-by-layer specs and tolerances ( thickness and porosity of each layer , conductivity , other properties , e . g ., compliance ).
In the dynamic area of electrochemical innovation , material research stands as a crucial foundation . However , what is often overlooked for fuel cell technology to achieve its commercial viability is the art of balancing optimized design with material selection . This synergy is needed so that advancements in materials translate seamlessly into realworld applications . When navigating through the complexities of fuel cell development , let us not forget the pivotal role of design in transforming raw materials into sustainable energy solutions .
Detailed layer specifications and tolerances , coupled with innovative R & D strategies , propel towards scalable , cost-effective solutions . This holistic approach explores and embraces directions including :
• Material quantity reduction through highperforming materials and / or design optimization ;
• Optimization of materials selection ( design solution versus materials solution ) – replacing expensive materials ( e . g ., noble metals ) with cheaper ones wherever possible ;
• Reducing the complexity of integrated products ( part count reduction and simplifying manufacturing process );
• Selection of design and materials supporting cost-effective volume manufacture and streamlined manufacturing processes , as well as the building of supply chains and use of common components ;
• Building of supply chains considering a full life cycle analysis ;
• Working with certification authorities to achieve uniform codes and standards .
As I navigated through the intricacies of the fuel cell innovation , one thing became evident : the path to high-performance MEA lies in the relationship between materials research and design optimization . While an in-depth understanding of materials forms the foundation for electrochemical technology development , it is the integration of design principles that transforms individual elements into viable solutions . Through holistic approaches and innovative R & D strategies , we can pave the way for scalable , cost-effective solutions that hold the promise of transforming raw materials into the sustainable energy solutions of tomorrow .
About the author
Edyta Rynkowska , PhD , is a membrane expert and an awarded chemist with 10 + years of experience in tailoring advanced materials , from functional membranes for membrane separation technologies to energy materials used in fuel cells or electrolyzers . Dr . Rynkowska has developed her expertise across six different countries , working at accredited laboratories , research institutes , startups , established firms , and an investment consultancy . Currently , she resides in Germany where she works as Expert PEM / CCM at H-TEC SYSTEMS ( part of MAN Energy Solutions ).
24 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 15 | April 2024