Hydrocarbon Processing Issue 03 | Page 20

S E R V O T O U G H DF-340E HAZARDOUS AREA HIGH-SENSITIVITY TRACE/ PERCENT COULOMETRIC OXYGEN ANALYZER CERTIFIED FOR HAZARDOUS AREA USE FEATURES AND BENEFITS Designed for heated or external locations, the DF-340E remains stable in changing sample and flow rate conditions, and is designed to provide measurements of trace or percent level oxygen in pure gas streams and multi-gas backgrounds. It is ideal for upset-prone conditions. Suitable for outdoor installation, with NEMA 4-rated sensor enclosure options Coulometric sensing ideal for upset-prone applications and compensates for sample and flow rate fluctuations GAS MEASURES O 2 ULTRA TRACE APPLICATION ppb ppm OXYGEN PROCESS CONTROL TRACE Multiple background gas stream monitoring, with simplified ongoing maintenance requirements QUALITY APPLICATIONS Pressure swing absorber N 2 skids Reactor process control SENSING TECHNOLOGY Blanketing and inerting SERVOPRO SUPPORTING The SERVOPRO range makes Servomex’s reliable, stable and accurate gas measurements available to a diverse range of safe area applications. An extensive range of non-depleting Servomex gas sensing technologies - including Paramagnetic, Zirconium Oxide, Thermal Conductivity, Plasma and Gas Chromatography – are integrated into flexible analyzers that either meet specific measurement requirements, such as for syngas, hydrocarbons or trace gas mixtures, or provide multi-gas monitoring capabilities for applications including ASU production and continuous emissions monitoring (CEMS). Designed for benchtop use, or mounting in a 19” rack, all SERVOPRO analyzers feature extensive functionality, remote communication options and can be operated directly via intuitive onboard software. PROCESS MONITORING PRODUCT Oil refinery monitoring Petrochemical process monitoring H2Scan HAZARDOUS AREA EXPLOSION-PROOF IN-LINE HYDROGEN PROCESS ANALYZER, USING A SOLID-STATE, NON- CONSUMABLE SENSOR CONFIGURED TO OPERATE IN PROCESS GAS STREAMS The H2Scan hydrogen process analyzer features thin film technology that provides a direct hydrogen measurement that is not cross-sensitive to other gases. FEATURES AND BENEFITS UL Class 1, Div 1, Groups B, C, D. ATEX & CSA certifications Easily configurable alongside SERVOTOUGH SpectraScan 2400 Simple system integration GAS MEASURES H 2 % APPLICATION PERCENT PROCESS CONTROL HYDROGEN APPLICATIONS Refinery Petrochemical AquaXact 1688 A FAST, ACCURATE AND RESILIENT MOISTURE MEASUREMENT SOLUTION The AquaXact 1688 is a rugged ultra-thin film Aluminum Oxide moisture sensor that enables the measurement of moisture in a wide variety of gas phase process applications, such as glove boxes, air separation units, natural gas processing, transportation, and instrument air, with no calibration required after sensor replacement or dry-out. SAFE AREA FEATURES AND BENEFITS G A S D E T E C T I O N OxyDetect Life safety monitor designed for safe area or hazardous area environments, utilizing superior performance of non-depleting Hummingbird Paramagnetic O 2 sensing technology. No more false readings or false alarms caused by depleting cell technologies SERVOMEX GAS O 2 OXYGEN MEASURES APPLICATION % PERCENT SAFETY AN ADVANCED DIGITAL MULTI-GAS CEMS ANALYZER FEATURES AND BENEFITS Specifically designed for Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS) of flue gas, the SERVOPRO 4900 Multigas provides up to four simultaneous gas stream measurements. It combines Servomex’s leading-edge sensing technologies with a modern digital platform for next-generation performance. A comprehensive solution for CEMS analysis of multiple flue gas components Low maintenance and cost of ownership Advanced digital communications including Ethernet, Modbus TCP/IP and PROFIBUS SAFE AREA GAS MEASURES MULTIPLE % APPLICATION PERCENT ppm EMISSIONS TRACE APPLICATIONS Utility boilers Chemical incinerators Helium production and storage Crematoria Semiconductor facilities Mobile labs servomex.com/gas-analyzers ALUMINUM OXIDE S E R V O P R O 4900 Multigas Pharmaceutical plants FOR THE FULL RANGE OF ANALYZERS VISIT SENSING TECHNOLOGY Ethylene production APPLICATIONS P20 PROCESS CONTROL Stainless steel, weatherproof casing (which is Class 1 Div 2) enables operation in ambient temperatures ranging from -10 O C to +70 O C Compressed air generation SIL 2 approval Laboratories & universities ppmv Solder reflow ovens H2Scan thin film The most reliable O 2 detector on the market POINT WATER Glove boxes SENSING TECHNOLOGY IP66 (indoor use only) DEW H 2 O APPLICATIONS Industrial gas supply FEATURES AND BENEFITS APPLICATION QUALITY Manufacturing NON-DEPLETING PARAMAGNETIC OXYGEN MONITOR DESIGNED FOR LIFE SAFETY APPLICATIONS Functions as a standalone 4-20 mA transmitter or remotely interfaces with SERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E multichannel gas analyzer system High-performance field-replaceable sensor element unaffected by condensation and liquid water MEASURES GAS SENSING TECHNOLOGY SENSING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FULL RANGE OF ANALYZERS VISIT servomex.com/gas-analyzers P21