Hydrocarbon Processing Issue 03 | Page 18

S E R V O T O U G H FluegasExact 2700 ADVANCED FLUE GAS ANALYZER FOR HIGH-TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT OF O 2 AND COMBUSTIBLES Designed to measure O 2 and COe in flue gases for improved combustion efficiency and reduced emissions, the FluegasExact 2700 gas analyzer is designed to suit the most demanding needs of combustion efficiency applications in the power generation and process industries. FEATURES AND BENEFITS ATEX Cat. 3, IECEx Zone 2 & North America Class I, Div 2 Unique Flowcube flow sensor technology enables positive flow conditions to be validated Sulfur-resistant combustibles sensor enables sensor to operate at elevated sulfur levels APPLICATIONS HAZARDOUS AREA GAS MEASURES O 2 % APPLICATION PERCENT ppm OXYGEN COMBUSTION TRACE CO e COMBUSTIBLES S E R V O T O U G H LaserSP 2930 HIGH-SENSITIVITY CROSS-STACK TDL ANALYZER A high-performance gas analyzer designed for continuous in-situ monitoring, the LaserSP 2930 delivers a fast response time and highly stable performance. Suitable for measuring a range of gases including HCl, HF, H 2 O, H 2 S, HCN, and other hydrocarbons, the LaserSP is ideal for a wide range of process, combustion control and emissions applications. PROCESS CONTROL Process heaters FEATURES AND BENEFITS In-situ with no sample conditioning delivers reliable operation THE WORLD’S SMALLEST TDL GAS ANALYZER, OPTIMIZED FOR PROCESS O 2 AND CO MEASUREMENTS All the benefits of Servomex’s TDL technology in a small, light unit offering unparalleled installation flexibility plus cost and performance benefits. Optimized for the fast, accurate and responsive measurement of process oxygen in hot or hazardous conditions. FEATURES AND BENEFITS High safety integrity utilizing Servomex’s own line lock cuvette technology ATEX, IECEx and North American hazardous area approvals. Approved for process Zone 2. SIL 2 assessed and CE marked Quick and easy installation by one person with on-board display negating the need for laptop configuration Suitable for a range of combustion and process control applications APPLICATIONS MEASURES O 2 % PERCENT ppm OXYGEN CARBON MONOXIDE Containing all the benefits of Servomex’s TDL technology in a light, compact unit, with unmatched installation flexibility plus cost and performance benefits, this analyzer is optimized for fast, accurate and responsive measurements in combustion and process control, making it a must for safety applications. Compact size means quick and easy installation by one person with on-board display negating the need for laptop configuration ATEX, IECEx and North American hazardous area approvals. Approved for process Zone 2. SIL 2 assessed and CE marked High safety integrity utilizing Servomex’s own line lock cuvette technology Incinerators Power stations Furnaces P18 FOR THE FULL RANGE OF ANALYZERS VISIT servomex.com/gas-analyzers TRACE Optimized for measurement across pipes and along short measurement cells and able to measure through very thin nozzles, reducing or even eliminating consumption of purge gas, the LaserCompact 2940 delivers the fast response time, highly stable performance and minimum sample conditioning advantages of TDL technology. EMISSIONS SENSING TECHNOLOGY ATEX, IECEx and North American hazardous area approvals. ATEX Cat 3 (Gases) and Cat 2 (Dusts) IECEx Zone 2 and Zone 21. CSA Divisions and Zones (Gas and Dust) HAZARDOUS AREA GAS MEASURES MULTIPLE % APPLICATION PERCENT ppm Line width correction delivers accurate measurement with variations in matrix TRACE PROCESS CONTROL In-situ with low purge gas consumption APPLICATIONS COMBUSTION PROCESS CONTROL Combustion control systems for process heaters and crackers FEATURES AND BENEFITS QUALITY Natural gas contaminants – H 2 O, CO 2 , H 2 S SENSING TECHNOLOGY HAZARDOUS AREA GAS MEASURES O 2 % APPLICATION PERCENT OXYGEN ppm CO TRACE PROCESS CONTROL SENSING TECHNOLOGY S E R V O T O U G H LaserExact 2950 EXTRACTIVE TDL TRACE MULTI-GAS ANALYZER, DESIGNED FOR MEASURING TRACE GASES OFFLINE FEATURES AND BENEFITS Specifically designed for extractive trace analysis applications, the LaserExact 2950’s TDL technology offers unsurpassed low ppb detection limits for most gases, making it ideal for the measurement of trace gases offline. Zone 2/Div 2 hazard-rated locations and use without purge Advanced multipass cell delivers ppb or low ppm detection limits Innovative PeakLock pattern recognition line tracking eliminates drift over extended operational periods HAZARDOUS AREA GAS MEASURES MULTIPLE ULTRA TRACE APPLICATION ppb ppm TRACE PROCESS CONTROL CARBON MONOXIDE COMBUSTION CO+CH 4 Process heaters ppm Moisture in VCM Optimized for combustion processes APPLICATIONS PERCENT S E R V O T O U G H LaserCompact 2940 SHORT PATH LENGTH TDL ANALYZER APPLICATION Chemical reactor – inert gas control S E R V O T O U G H Laser 3 Plus Combustion FEATURES AND BENEFITS PROCESS CONTROL TRACE CO Oxidation control Inerting Safety monitoring Flare gas monitoring Combustion control (<500°C) Coal to chemical THE REVOLUTIONARY COMPACT COMBUSTION ANALYZER OPTIMIZED FOR CO, O 2 , OR CO + CH 4 MEASUREMENTS APPLICATION % Ammonia slip control in DeNOx plants SENSING TECHNOLOGY GAS MULTIPLE Emission control systems for CEMS Thermal crackers HAZARDOUS AREA MEASURES APPLICATIONS S E R V O T O U G H Laser 3 Plus Process GAS Wavelength Modulated Spectroscopy provides wide dynamic range and lowest cross–interference Utility boilers Crematoria & incinerators Designed for Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazard rated (gas/dust) locations HAZARDOUS AREA APPLICATIONS Refinery monitoring: H 2 S and CO 2 (during natural gas refinement) CARBON MONOXIDE + METHANE SENSING TECHNOLOGY HF and HCI impurity monitoring in process gas QUALITY SENSING TECHNOLOGY Monitoring H 2 S during biogas production H 2 O and H 2 S in natural gas FOR THE FULL RANGE OF ANALYZERS VISIT servomex.com/gas-analyzers P19