Hybrid Events 001 | Page 5

September, 2020 Welcome 05 Embracing the Hybrid Age The term ‘hybrid event’ has been thrust upon us in 2020, and there is a sense that this concept is new, and perhaps frightening. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Hybrid events have been around for a long time, but it is fair to say that there is no one model to follow. Much like the creative event professionals that make our industry great, there is no limit to the possibilities of a hybrid event. However, it is also fair to say that simply packaging your content in videos for people to watch back later is not going to cut the mustard on its own. The key to a successful hybrid event, which should be rooted in live, is to engage your audience, both live and online, in real-time. Editor Martin Fullard Senior Graphic Designer Sean Wyatt-Livesley Martin Fullard Editorial director Mash Media Masthead Contributing Writer Stuart Wood Production Manager Elizabeth Nixon Published by Mash Media 2 nd Floor Apple Market House, 17 Union Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1RP. Hopefully you will find this supplement useful and packed full of insight, as we have spoken to experts in the field and those which supply all the equipment and guidance you could ever need. Client expectations of what a hybrid event should include are going to change, and we recognise the need to explore this subject in greater detail. Our industry has a strong track record of adapting to change, and I have no doubt that this new era of digitally-enhanced events will be embraced by everyone. If you have an interesting hybrid event case study to share, or strong views on the matter, then please do get in touch. Enjoy the supplement Subscription: One year’s subscription cost is UK £95+VAT p/a Europe £112+VAT, ROW £130+VAT. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the publishers. Printed by Pensord Press Ltd. Contributing Writer Paul Colston Portfolio Director Duncan Siegle A message from our partner… Ben McMahon Managing director Collaborate Global Collaborate Global is delighted to support this supplement by Mash Media. The term ‘hybrid event’ is most definitely not new, but it has been thrown into the spotlight by our industry’s current situation. It offers a way for brands to engage with their audience through both socially distant physical viewing while also having a wider engaged online audience. We decided to host our own hybrid demonstration event in July, it was a decision made to build confidence with our clients and partners and to show to new prospective clients that a captivating and engaging story can still be told. We partnered with Aston Martin and Randox to bring together all the elements of a hybrid event scenario. Utilising new technology allowed us to dive further into the story of those brands and put their audience at the heart of that journey; which you can read about on p5. Collaborate wanted to work with Mash on this issue specifically because they have created a platform that brings together the very best our industry can offer, sharing solutions and ideas to activate change and confidence. In this issue you will find lots of useful insight and guidance to help brands push forward and continue to engage with their audience.