Hybrid cover final (4 files merged) May. 2015 | Page 9

I decided to sleep so I got out of my desk and gently fall onto my bed. As my head hit the pillow I didn’t sleep yet I took a good look at the stars. I closed my eyes and said “I love you bian” hoping she might hear me. It was the last thing I said that day and I feel asleep with that on mind. I knew where she had belong, she had belong in my arms and that’s what I had vision as I feel asleep. Chapter 3 Bian Hung 1962 It was about 9:00 am and I had woke up. I wasn’t really hungry so I just went straight for my walk. I didn’t walk with Kim, my best friend, on Tuesday which was today. It was a Tuesday in June and the weather was really nice in Saigon. They skies were blue and the sun was shining: it was the perfect day to go on a run/walk. “Mother, I am going for my walk” I said. “Okay, there is 1200 dongs on the kitchen counter take it if you want “, my mother said. I took the 1200 dongs and walked out the door wearing my Nike shoes that my dad sent me from America. I walked out the door and I walked a couple blocks then I saw Chi. “Chi”, I called out as I ran closer to him. “Bian Hung”, he said He likes saying Bian Hung instead of just Bian. Which I find it odd because no one ever calls me that. When I was in High school everyone called me Hung because in Vietnam they call you by your family name, middle name, and then your first name but I told Chi to call be Bian. “Do you go on runs too”, I asked. “On Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday”, Chi said. “Me too”, I said. “We should meet up”, Chi said.