“3… 2…. 1… “We said at the same time as we pulled the trigger at 1. I shot his heart and he hit
my heart.
My vision was getting blurry as I tried to stay alive and I was lying on the floor holding Chi’s
hand. I felt someone lifting me up. I slightly turned my head to see where I was. I wasn’t in the
room I had shot Chi in. I looked over to Chi and he wasn’t bleeding.
I was recalling the moments I had with Chi: the first time I saw him, the dates, the kisses, the
hugs, the beautiful words. I felt tears shed from my eyes which was starting to blur Chi. I heard
him crying and I lifted my arm with all my strength to wipe away his tears. My body started to
shut down and my eyes were started to close.
Chapter 6 Chi Sinh 1963
She looked like she was losing the last moments of breathe and her eyes were closing.
“I love you”, I whispered in her ear as her eyes shut forever.
As I held in my arms and I saw her body go limp as I leaned down for one last kiss