HUSTLE DYNAMICS MAGAZINE March 2017 Issue | Page 7

TSU: First and Foremost TeamSide United is an acronym that stands for Together Everyone Achieves More in a Society that intentionally destroys everybody. That being said, we're on a mission to live out our name. The origin is rooted from the infamous 1980 Brooklyn crew The A-Team Boyz,the section in Cypress Hills projects where they ruled at was termed TeamSide because of the unity they shared with each other, me coming up and being raised on TeamSide,there really was no other name to use once I embarked on my own mission to create this company called TeamSide United with my 2 other childhood friends. My mission is to create pure original art from a creative stand point and to allow Artist who join and sign with us the opportunity to do the same within our Team as a whole.

HDM: Do you feel like being in the F.E.D Magazine made any impression negative or positive that may cause judgement from your audience or potential people you may want to network with?

TSU: To be honest, No shade to anyone in the F.E.D.S Magazine. To me It feels great to be in the F.E.D.S Magazine for doing something positive, compared to being in there for Negativity. Wow, that's a great feeling. As far as my audience or potential people I may want to network with No it has not!