HUR Product Catalogue HUR_productcatalog_2017_19_12_final_web | Page 25

Compatibility |25 Compatibility HUR SmartTouch software is now compatible with many testing and cardio products. This takes the complete computerized exercise solution to the next level. ISOMETRIC TESTING Isometric maximum force testing is possible with HUR Performance Recorder. Isometric tests can be part of the training program and results are shown in HUR SmartTouch software. HUR TESTING PRODUCTS HUR SmartBalance for balance testing and training has a given place in the HUR SmartTouch Ecosystem. CARDIO Cardio equipment from selected brands can be connected to the HUR SmartTouch system. Please check the HUR webpage to view the full list of cardio brands and equipment (Products, Compatible cardio equipment) See more pages See pages 28-29 for more information about the HUR SmartTouch Ecosystem