HUR Medical Concepts 2018 | Page 19

reduce the base of support, such as standing with two legs close together or standing with one foot directly in front of the other, or standing on one leg. move the center of gravity and controlling body For targeting increased power in healthy older adults, include: perform training to improve muscular strength. perform both single-joint and multi-joint exercises for position while standing, for example reaching, 1–3 sets per exercise using light to moderate loading transferring body weight from one leg to another and (30–60% of 1 RM) for 6–10 repetitions with high stepping up onto a higher surface repetition velocity. stand without using the arms for support, or if this is not possible then aim to reduce reliance on the upper limb, such as hold onto a surface with one hand rather than two or one finger instead of the whole hand. For enhancing muscular endurance: perform low to moderate loads for moderate to high repetitions (10–15 or more). use short rest periods for muscular endurance For improvements in strength and muscle training, e.g., 1–2 min for high-repetition sets (15–20 hypertrophy: repetitions or more), less than 1 minute for moderate use of both multiple- and single-joint exercises with slow-to-moderate velocity, for 1–3 sets per exercise (10–15 repetitions) sets. for circuit strength training, it is recommended that with 60–80% of 1 RM (repetition maximum) for 8–12 rest periods correspond to the time needed to get repetitions with 1–3 min of rest in between sets for 2–3 from one exercise station to another. is recommended. 19