Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 41

Foot & Ankle Specialists of Huntsville Ryan Jacox ( 281 ) 909-7722 fashuntsville . com 227 State Highway 75 N , Suite 150 Huntsville
Genesis Medical Group Victoria Mata ( 936 ) 500-9500 genesishuntsville . com 130 Medical Center Parkway , Suite 6 Huntsville
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic - Huntsville Pepper Wilson ( 936 ) 295-8000 ( 936 ) 439-1169 www . kelsey-seybold . com / find-alocation / huntsville-clinic # about 100 Medical Center Parkway , Suite 1000 Huntsville
Lone Star Family Health Center Courtney Galle ( 936 ) 539-4004 www . lonestarfamily . org 227 SH 75 N , Suite 130 Huntsville
St . Luke ’ s Health Emergency Center Kimberly Smesny ( 936 ) 439-5292 | ( 936 ) 439-5293 locations . stlukeshealth . org / location / emergency-center-huntsville 540 Interstate 45 South Huntsville
Texpress Urgent Care Amanda Pyle ( 936 ) 570-2626 | ( 936 ) 463-6504 Texpressurgentcare . com 193 Interstate 45 South , Suite H Huntsville
Health Care / Hospice Gentiva Hospice Jessica Andreas ( 979 ) 777-3919 | ( 936 ) 327-5899 gentivahs . com 210 West Park Drive , Suite 107 Livingston
Health Care-Convalescent Home Assisted Living MRC Creekside James Logan ( 936 ) 439-4700 ( 936 ) 291-2907 www . mrccreekside . org 1433 Veterans Memorial Parkway Huntsville
Health Clubs Hard Body Studio Brandi Gabehart ( 936 ) 714-3732 www . hardbodystudio . com 1410 Avenue N Huntsville
Snap Fitness Huntsville Jeannie White ( 936 ) 755-3811 www . snapfitness . com / gyms / huntsville-tx-77340 / 6701 130 Col Etheredge Blvd ., Suite A Huntsville
Health / Wellness Care Center Huntsville ( 936 ) 294-0404 | ( 936 ) 294-0101 www . carecenterhuntsville . com 1215 15th Street Huntsville
Essential IV Therapy & Aesthetics , LLC Stefanie Krejci ( 832 ) 766-6041 Essentialivta . com 655 I-45 N New Waverly
High As A Kite Virtual Dispensary Cassandra Apodaca ( 832 ) 510-9199 www . cannaglobe . biz / highasakite 5806 Templegate Dr , Houston
Hearing Aids Family Hearing & Sensory Neural Center Christie Cahill ( 936 ) 291-2414 | ( 936 ) 438-8088 www . familyhearingcenter . com 1909 22nd Street Huntsville
Home Health Care 1st Choice Hospice ( 936 ) 295-7100 www . 1stchoicehospice . net 3001 Old Houston Rd Huntsville
AccentCare Home Health Brian Dibble ( 512 ) 731-5842 www . accentcare . com 122 Medical Park Lane , Suite B Huntsville
At Your Side Home Care Ali Naqi ( 347 ) 607-9818 1211 University Ave Huntsville
Benchmark Home Health and Hospice Sherri Ballard ( 936 ) 662-5556 benchmarkhcs . com 780 Clepper Drive Ste 100 Montgomery
STAT Home Health ( 936 ) 291-1979 | ( 936 ) 291-3159 www . thecarpenterhealthnetwork . com / about-us / stat-home-health / 227 State Hwy 75 North , STE 250 Huntsville
Stellaris Care Danielle Cordova ( 832 ) 669-2626 www . stellariscare . com 650 Oak Circle Dr East Conroe
Home Health Care / Hospice Home Health Care of Huntsville / THEE Hospice ( 936 ) 291-8439 | ( 800 ) 999-5935 ( 936 ) 291-8582 www . homehealthhospice . com 2505 Lake Rd , Ste 2 Huntsville
Hospice Compassus Hospice ( 936 ) 755-3108 ( 866 ) 955-8545 compassus . com 1523 Normal Park Drive Suite C Huntsville
Harbor Hospice Kelly Badger ( 936 ) 327-8010 www . harborhospice . com 317 West Church St ., Suite 112 Livingston
St . Joseph Hospice Julie Hill ( 936 ) 703-5250 ( 936 ) 703-5255 www . thecarpenterhealthnetwork . com 2255 N . Loop 336 W , Suite A Conroe
Hospitals Huntsville Memorial Hospital Dena Daniel ( 936 ) 291-3411 ( 936 ) 291-4394 www . huntsvillememorial . com 110 Memorial Hospital Dr Huntsville