Hungry Trout AA Stone Step By Step | Page 4

Twist your dubbing loop so that it forms a moderately tight rope. I like mine to be tight but I will often brush some of the fiber out to be a little buggier at this step. If you do so use caution when using thread because a dubbing brush tool will often break the thread.

Dub your brush forward teasing the fibers as you go to give the fly the buggiest appearance possible. I accomplish this by combing the fibers back with my fingers on each wrap.

Fold the green foam forward and secure it down tighly. make sure its evenly placed on top of the hook shank. If you accomplished step three this should fold over quite easily. Cut your excess.

Take the monofiliament we tied in and wrap it forward evenly. Youre trying to get at least four wraps, five at the most. Secure the mono tight and cut off the excess. Its a good idea to add a very small drop of glue here to make sure the mono stays in place. Now brush out any fibers that got trapped.