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2019-1-ES01-KA229-063826 6. Learning, teaching and training activities 2 Mobility 3 Mobility Learning by doing Knowing to prevent The classroom of Constructivism by Virtual Global learning the future robotics Online citizenship participation Interpersonal intelligence Visual-Spatial and Naturalist intelligences Intrapersonal Intelligence Teachers and students are going to improve the knowledge about digital tools using them in their classes, to put into practice everyone in their own subjects To improve teachers’/pupils awareness of responsible use of the internet and avoid their dangers; empowering young people to take control of their online experiences. Promoting a new kind of communication that allow students to develop their potential; Creating a new personalize education. 4 Mobility 5 Mobility 6 Mobility 1 Mobility Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence Verbal/ linguistic intelligence Musical and kinesthetic intelligences It develops its skills of analysis, process and achievement of a product, working in group. Global learning allows everyone to develop the intercultural competences that we need to become a global citizen New applications to develop very diverse areas such as art, music, design, where teachers and students can also use collaborative methodologies