Human Futures September 2019 | Page 54

The Pursuit of Virtue: THE PATH TO A GOOD FUTURE Thomas Lombardo, Ph.D. Center for Future Consciousness In a time when we possess more financial wealth, society and outline a psychological and ethical material goods and comforts, and technological answer to creating a better world. This new way of conveniences than ever before, many of us suffer thinking proposes that happiness, deep purpose, from excessive egocentricity and untethered personal and social evolution, and realizing a good wishy-washy relativism; information overload and future are maximized through the exercise and dizzying speed and chaos in our lives; anxiety, development of a core set of character virtues that stress, and feelings of fatalism and nihilism; closed- heighten our future consciousness. mindedness, anti-intellectualism, and defensive paralysis in the face of change; a disproportionate reliance on money and consumerism as the answer to life; and an hypnotic and addictive immersion in technology and social media. Of special significance – for many of us our conscious sense of the future, as well as of our memory of the past – is narrowing and weakening. We are becoming lost and forlorn, drowning in an overpowering present. What is going wrong and what can we do about it? psychology William James once said of infant world, according to many futurists and social consciousness – in a “blooming buzzing confusion,” commentators, is becoming increasingly frenzied, without a meaningful and positive sense of overall fragmented, and disarrayed. Many of us feel we purpose and direction. are swirling about – as the father of American 54 HUMAN FUTURES I propose that future consciousness is our most distinctive and empowering human capacity allowing us to purposefully guide our own evolution. A positive future is best realized through enhancing this capacity, and this capacity can be most effectively strengthened through the conscientious and self-responsible development of a key set of character virtues described in this book. Moreover, the synthesis and highest expression of these character virtues of future In my new compact book The Pursuit of Virtue: consciousness is the virtue of wisdom. To most The Path to a Good Future (122 pages in length), intelligently, I first examine in depth those destructive and address the problems of the modern world, the disruptive features of our contemporary modern virtue of wisdom should be our guiding light. society introduced above and then second I Living a wisdom narrative for the future of both outline a constructive approach for addressing ourselves and the planet is the key to the good such problems, improving the quality of our future. The path to the good future is not to be lives, and creating a positive future. My approach found in some external reality, such as wealth or is unique in that I highlight key psychological technology, but within ourselves and our own dimensions of major challenges in contemporary psychological and ethical evolution. 1 Lombardo, Thomas (2019) The Pursuit of Virtue: The Path to a Good Future. Kelowna, BC: Wood Lake Publishing. 2 Lombardo, Thomas (2017) Future Consciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution. London: Changemakers Books. 1 Our modern high-tech, fast-paced, consumerist As extensively explained in previous publications, 2 ethically, and comprehensively HUMAN FUTURES 55