Human Futures September 2019 | Page 30

Exo-Astrosociology and the FUTURE OF TERRESTRIAL SOCIETIES Jim Pass, Ph.D. CEO, Astrosociology Research Institute INTRODUCTION This essay focuses squarely on a single topic related to how terrestrial societies may develop into the future due to influences associated with the continuing search for extraterrestrial (ET) life. While a multitude of factors impact on a given society’s movement through history, a subset of space exploration initiatives is often forgotten in terms of how it affects humankind. That is, space policy is increasingly being affected by the existential question regarding whether or not humankind represents the only life in our universe. Part of it deals with the potential loneliness if truly alone; and apparently increasingly prevalent is the fear that humankind is not alone and perhaps other intelligent species are conspiring to enslave or extinguish human life. Thus, the search for ET life, especially intelligent life, continues to exert a steady influence on space exploration and policy. This topic is relevant to astrosociologists. Astrosociology is the study of astrosocial phenomena (i.e., social, cultural, and behavioral patterns related to outer space). A subfield of astrosociology called exo- astrosociology focuses strictly on astrosocial phenomena related to extraterrestrial life. In a sense, it is the social-scientific complement to SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and astrobiology. This subfield focuses on finding extraterrestrial life as well, but it is much more concerned about how the search affects terrestrial societies. Ongoing astronomical and astrobiological discoveries seem to make the possibility of ET life more probable, which impacts on scientists and laypersons alike (Pass, 2010). Beyond that, any indications of life beyond our Solar System will also impact on terrestrial societies both in predictable and unforeseeable ways. For example, some religious groups will need to update their dogmas or refute the discovery of ET life should it occur. 30 HUMAN FUTURES HUMAN FUTURES 31