Human Futures September 2019 | Page 20

In 1980 over half of humanity lived in extreme assessment of progress on one’s own goals poverty, now it is less than 10%. Many are having and objectives (as Finland is implementing). some of their love and belongingness needs along with self-esteem needs met by social media. So, THE future generations could live in a self-actualization “GLOBALS GENERATION” COMING OF AGE IN 2050 economy, making a living by doing, experiencing, creating, and sharing with others around the It is possible for members of the “Globals Generation” to wake up in 2050 to the sound of their personal AI/Avatar’s selection of the right sounds and fragrances to make the transition from sleep to waking a thrilling experience. Then this cyber partner projects holograms of the coolest create totally new species. Or will we be incapable of coming to international agreements and just let thousands, if not millions, of new species grow beyond their original environments and migrate around the world leaving future generations at into narrow thinking unwilling to And then members of this future generation can unemployment trends and decide to change insert AI contact lenses to enter alternative virtual education and learning, create global re-training realities to explore a variety of income earning and freelance jobs data banks and programs in activities from around the world that also furthers cooperation with business, unions, governments, their self-actualization without anxiety due to a and individuals? Will children born today learn guaranteed daily income. Possible? Maybe. how to earn income via the Internet without The quality of life for future generations will be potential technological assistants will be as available as mobile above. If so, future generations could have high phones are today; unsure what to believe; hence, clinging to their increasingly hot temperatures, and change known groups of similar beliefs, and stuck in their in insect related disease patters; love and belongingness needs, unable to more improve the prospect of the “Globals Generation” • • genetics, electronics or other means) and non-augmented citizens. • Establish data bases by labor, business, and government to include forecasts of Next Technologies (NT), future job skills, and learning. artificial narrow intelligence and artificial general brains could be augmented by smart contact intelligence? With a governance system to enforce lenses connecting them to the internet and their to evaluate future financial feasibility of those standards? Or will we be incapable of coming personal AI/Avatar seeking out new experiences universal basic income. to international agreements and allow AI to grow and income sources for what they want to do indiscriminately leaving future generations at the anyway. • • Create alternative cash-flow Most people will spend more money on experiences (in virtual reality as well as physical realities) than on things or physical Study how to prevent future conflict between technologically augmented humans (via AI, AI will make the majority of our daily decisions from investments to activity schedules; coming of age in 2050 are: • Majority of meat conception will not require animals; future generations could have a great life! Their objects; and • A significant percent by 2050 will have some basic income giving them freedom to explore their potentials in the self-actualization economy as civilization increasingly merges human consciousness and technology globally. projections Leaders in the S&T communities should devote more effort to making current science psychologist Abraham discovered that there is a hierarchy of needs that healthy people progress through as they mature and governance systems for synthetic biology? from basic survival needs, love and belongingness, Not just gene editing that changes capabilities of self-esteem, an individual of a species, but synthetic biology Possibly society is also going through this that combines genes from difference species to hierarchy. and eventually and future technology understandable to Maslow Similarly, will we create international standards HUMAN FUTURES • toward self-actualization. example, will we create international standards for 20 Effects of climate change will be indisputable in coastal city flooding, natural disaster costs, retraining requirements to support lifelong control and understanding? • robot flooded with information pollution leaving them With good answers to these and other questions, famous Brain and perception augmentation along the kinds of international decisions mentioned having a conventional job? The • with personal AI/Avatars and micro determined in part by decisions we make today. For mercy of AI that eventually grows beyond human learning styles, so that almost anything is cooperate with others; and hence, unable to create Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions to help anticipate semantic web that adapts to individuals’ anytime around the world; control and awareness? we Nearly everyone will be connected to the just reinforce what we think, further isolating Some actions suggested in the forthcoming Work/ Will • understandable and accessible, anywhere, the mercy of microbes that grow beyond human experiences possible for the today’s schedule. “Globals Generation” of 2050, such as: But it is also possible, the narrow AI systems will unemployment rates, fear of the “other” and THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT some conditions seem inevitable for our future world activities found by their personal AI/Avatars. groups By Jerome C. Glenn, CEO Whatever decisions are made or not made today, self-actualization. the general public. • Increase focus on developing creativity, critical thinking, human relations, philosophy, entrepreneurship (individual and teams), art, self-employment, social harmony, ethics, and values, to know thyself to build and lead a meaningful working life with self- HUMAN FUTURES 21