Human Futures No. 2 May 2018 | Página 40

courage to dream again. You scan and divide them into parts. I allow them to act their conflicts of roles and help join the pieces together again. The central questioning of Moreno focused towards a society that tends to restrain instead of encouraging spontaneity and creativity, a culture that privileges the product on the detriment of the creative act, a community that restricts every human instead of being the space he or she needs to grow. The main antecedent of Forwar d Theater is improvisation theater lately worked as psychodrama. As an educative modality, psychodrama had its origins in 1911 in Viena. Since 1908, Moreno used to watch children playing in gardens and parks of Viena. He noticed that they rehearsed familiar and cultural roles such as mom, dad, king or queen, police, etc. Moreno also realized that children used fantasy representing myth or fables roles which corresponded more to their needs or frustrations. He began to use the role-playing technique with them as means of enlarging or correct his perception. The children played the role of their parents or teachers, and then they saw everything from another point of view. As a matter of personal progress and growing, Moreno used psychodramatic methods in its Spontaneity Theater, developed between1921-1923. Groups of actors and actresses who worked along him represented with spontaneity and without rehearsal, suggested topics from the public. Some persons of the audience went to stage to exemplify some roles of characters involved on that topic. He defined psychodrama as a “method” to sound out the truth of the soul through action. FORWARD THEATER AS THE MAIN TOOL OF PSICOPROSPECTIVE from another form of misery, psychic misery, social, economic, political, racial or religious. There are poor and wealth emotionally, isolated social groups, disdainful or marginalized (Moreno, 1979, p. 22). Bachelors in Psychology Martha Jaramillo (Colombia) and Alethia Berenice Montero (Mexico) are building a new brand of Psychology called Anticipatory Psychology or Psicoprospective. The authors speak about this is a fusion between Psychology and Prospective. Under the motto “Future starts on the mind” Psychology as the science which studies the human mental processes and the human behavior seems to be the most proper discipline to study how people think and act about future. It is therapeutic to move forward in time and space since every therapy should consist of an inventory of possible alternatives. While the primary function of psychodrama and sociodrama is therapeutic, on Forward Theater the main purpose is to build futures and live them. The study of the future tends to be an abstract and unconvincing argument. Through the entertainment, we write family stories that attract and earn attention. It can be based on research and extrapolation of data available on global trends. Departing from Theater as a dramatic art in which stories are represented in front of an audience that operates as a mirror where people can look at the reflection of a diversity of situations thus people can look at the future through Theater. Combining roles, feelings, emotions, reasoning of both, audience and performers, Theater can impact on the people’s knowledge and perspective about future. Becoming Theatre has a profound political potential, it is critical, the strength of the drama gives us a representation of reality with audiences judging events on their own because they pass in front of them. Stories are the focus of Theater and have a direct relationship with Futures Studies. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STORIES AND FUTURES STUDIES Moreno reprimands us and tells that the economy proletariat is a minority, which the oldest and voluminous is the therapeutic proletariat. They are victims of intolerable world order; they suffer M AY 2 0 1 8 In Futures Studies, there are quantitative methods and qualitative methods. Regardless the variety of classifications we can find on FS, Prospective scenarios are situated within the qualitative ways and are the archetype of FS (Bishop, 2007). Moreover, stories form part of the prospective scenarios. This is where Forward Theatre begins its journey. Regarding FS, stories as part of the prospective scenarios are divided in: • Eutopia: is described as “the good place” but in contrast to utopia, its existence is real. It is an approximation of the human fulfillment. HUMAN FUTURES • Utopia: an idealized world alternative to the existent world. • Dystopia: is the anti-utopia. A malign paradise in which reality occurs opposite to an ideal society. Why use stories for learning about futures? Stories are powerful devices which explore many aspects of human prospects, in ways not accessible to reason, analysis or futures research techniques. They permit regeneration, ideas, and possibilities. They also can use FS techniques such as backcasting, in casting, visioning and many others which is relevant to FS. Besides, they explore social, technological, environmental aspects in the influences of change and they can base on research, extrapolation of available data about global trends, too. At this point, which process is it? Alethia MONTERO - The Forward Theater