Human Futures No. 2 May 2018 | Page 30

Forecasts for twenty cases spanning the world and the levels :

Forecasts for twenty cases spanning the world and the levels :

Islamic State Diagnosis Baghdad 1258 Sykes-Picot 1916 Balfour 1917 Istanbul 1918 Caliphate 1922 Wars 1991 onward
Prognosis A new caliphate Islam mandated measured revenge Terrorism Western preventive war State terrorism
Therapy Use military for defense only not for attack Negotiate Riyadh space for Israel Compensate for state terrorism
USA-all over Diagnosis Divine mandate Coperland Imperial global structure World currency de- / inflation
Prognosis US empi e decline and fall by 2020 Losing last fight to keep empire ; particularly US $ China preferred
Therapy Secularization A normal country lifting the bottom 70 % up MEXICAN Basket wiith US $
The Peace versus Violence-War Dialectic to 2050 : 20 Cases Islam vs . West : counter-cyclical , Muslim togetherness-sharing expanding , Western loneliness-bureaucracy contracting ; conversion to Islam and West building togetherness-sharing . Islami State and Caliphate base don imams cleanse Islam of the West reaching Mecca . NATO-USA vs . SCO : no world war , NATO dissolving , SCO not . West vs . Russia : no war , EU-Russia European House unifying . First World vs . Third World , “ North-South ”: the last will be the first ; Africa and Latin America Caribbean matching Europe and USA . West vs . Eurasia-SCO , “ West-East ”: Eurasia penetrating and dominating West like China USA , not vice versa ; dominion , not war . Israel vs . Palestine-Arab State : An Israel for Jews only will not survive ; multi-national Israel as tolerant to Muslims-Arabs as they to Jews and Christians as People of the Book , with Jews all over , will . Japan-USA vs . Russia-Two Chinas-Two Koreas over Islands : violence-war likely unless shared ownership of islands and profit is practiced . China vs . ASEAN in the South China Sea : war likely unless US aircraft carriers are withdrawn ; sharing ownership , fisheries , and profit . North Korea vs . the USA : war likely unless peace treaty , normalization with North Korea and a nuclear-free Korean peninsula are practiced .
16 MAY 2018