Human Futures No. 2 May 2018 | Page 24

and reciprocity, also furnished a practical foundation for under-standing the nature of the good, in particular the good future. Evolution, in particular, purposeful evolution, brings us back to future con- sciousness. Over the last five years, a key insight crystalized in my thinking: Humans can engage in purposeful evolution precisely because we possess future consciousness. The ways we express future consciousness are multi-faceted: The human mind learns and gathers information, anticipates and imagines alternative futures, thoughtfully deliberates and evaluates such possibilities, formu- lates goals and plans, and purposefully at-tempts to direct the evolutionary flow of events. Moreover, all these future-oriented processes are energized and colored with anticipatory emotions, such as hope and fear, and driven by desires and values. Our distinctive reality is purposeful evolu- tion. (Or as Julian Huxley once stated, “Man is nothing but evolution become conscious of itself.”) And the capacity that empowers us to realize this process is the holistic set of abilities and modes of experience of future consciousness. If we wish to maximize our capacity for purposeful evolution through future consciousness, then we should strengthen those character virtues associated with heightened future consciousness, most notably and centrally wisdom. During the early part of this last decade, I immersed myself in recent developments in positive psychology. Experts in this field had researched most if not all of the character strengths I now connected with heightened future consciousness. As it turns out, all these character strengths can be enhanced. Included in my present list of character virtues are self-responsibility and self-control, personal growth, hope and optimism, discipline and tenacity, profound purpose, the love and skill 24 of learning and thinking, the creative spirit, and wonder, awe, and cosmic consciousness, all of which can be strengthened through principled practice, learning, and heightened self-awareness. Positive psychology also provided me with a concept connected to wellbeing and the good that aligns with our evolutionary, purposeful, and interdependent reality; that concept is flourishing. Flourishing is a dynamic, directional, growth- oriented, and life-affirming concept resonant with an evolutionary and interactive universe. We flourish through heightened future consciousness. As I came to state it: “Flourishing in the flow of purposeful evolution is the good future, and heightened future consciousness, syn-thesized as wisdom, is the means to create this future.” This key argument provided the ethical foundation for my book. By 2013 I was piloting a semester-length college course on Future Consciousness, which also provided an outline for the new book. I figured I should attempt to teach the ideas in the book before writing it. A simple question provided the starting point for both endeavors: “What is a good future and how do we create it?” It seemed to me that this query was the central question and challenge of human life, and that the answer to it was heightened future consciousness or wisdom. So then, to recap a bit, from my first articles it appeared to me that heightening future consciousness had many benefits and was the key to addressing many of our contemporary problems. But how does one arrive at a principled and systematic conception of what would be a good (or better) life and in particular a good future? Having studied the history of ethics and theories of the good, I have found that all such theories assume underlying theories of reality. So if we are to determine a convincing and valid theory of the good future, we require a sound and valid theory of reality, es-pecially pertaining to human reality (as best as we can presently determine). Evolution and reciprocity provided such a realistic foundation—and, as I have argued above, the context in which our species developed its most distinctive and empowering capacity: the facilitation of purposeful evolution through future consciousness. And what is (or should be) our purpose? To flourish. How do we flourish? We flourish through heightened future consciousness and wisdom. If we align this formula with Ar-istotle’s principle concerning the good—that we should exercise with excellence our most distinctive abilities—then the path to the good future lies in executing our most distinctive and empowering capacity— purposeful evolution through wisdom or height-ened future consciousness— with increasing excellence. Such has been my journey and the evo- lution of the concept of future conscious- ness, now explored expansively in my latest book, Future Consciousness; The Path to Purposeful Evolution (Change- makers Books, 2017). The opening chapters outline the theory of evolution, reciprocity, purposeful evolution, the good future, and heightened future conscious- ness in considerable depth. The second half of the book focuses on the various character virtues, as applied to human psychology, and details numerous ways to enhance each one. In essence, the first half of the book is more cosmic and theoretical; the second half is more practical and personal. A full online course based on the book is now available on the Center for Future Consciousness website. The “future narrative” is one key M AY 2 0 1 8 (Lombardo, 2015), science fiction is the evolutionary mythology of the future, a narrative mode of future consciousness that is psychologically holistic and personally engaging, generating “whole person immersion” in the future. As one noteworthy example among many science fiction writers, Stapledon created highly immersive evolutionary narratives that inspire our emotions and stimulate our imagination and intellect regarding possible and preferable futures. As the next step, building on the theory of future consciousness developed in my new book, later this year the first volume of my historical study of Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future (2018) will be published. Researching and creating this historical saga of human imagination in science fiction through the ages is part of my own wisdom narrative for the future; it is another adventure into the expansive reaches of consciousness. illustrative concept included in the book and the course that combines theory and application. Humans are psychologically predis-posed to make sense of themselves and the world in terms of stories or narratives. Narratives are a dynamic and sequentialized mode of understanding, and provide meaning, purpose, and identity for people, both personally and collectively. A very effective way to heighten future consciousness (and wisdom) is to create and implement an ideal future personal narrative based on the pursuit and development of wisdom; that is to write and then attempt to live a “wisdom narrative” in the future. At a personal level, consciously creating and living a wisdom narrative is the most efficacious way to self-responsibly self-evolve. For society as a whole we should aspire toward an “Age of Wisdom” as the most ethical and consciousness enhancing narrative to address our present problems and facilitate the future evolution of humanity. As purposefully evolving beings who exist within an evolutionary universe, our good future will be to become better, more evolved human beings. We should see ourselves within the cosmic evolutionary context as a unique and yet resonant expression of the ongoing evolution of evolution within the universe. It is the story in all its variations and possibilities that we should tell ourselves. Notes Lombardo, T. (2002) The Future of Science, Technology, and the Cosmos [Online], Center for Future Consciousness. Available at http:// ST_Readings.htm (Accessed 1 January 2018). Lombardo, T. (2011a) Wisdom, Consciousness, and the Future: Selected Essays, Bloomington, IN: Xlibris. Lombardo, T. (2006a) The Evolution of Future Consciousness: The Nature and Historical Devel- opment of the Human Capacity to Think about the Future, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. Lombardo, T. (2014) “The future evolu- tion of consciousness”, World Future Re- view, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 322–35. Most of the articles and selected chapters from books cited in this essay, as well as numerous videos, can be accessed on the Center for Future Consciousness website: http://www.centerforfu- The online course can be accessed on this website as well. A more extensive introduction to Future Con- sciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution can be found at Lombardo, 2016. Available online at: files/2016%20Articles/Future%20Consciousness%20 Article%20Complete%20FinalWFRCited.pdf For regular bi-monthly updates on writings, videos, presentations, and news relevant to the Center for Future Consciousness and The Wisdom Page, see and subscribe to the online newsletter and journal Wisdom and the Future: http://www.centerforfutu- At the end of the book I introduce the science fiction writer and philosopher, Olaf Stapledon, who wrote grand cosmic futures narratives that were wisdom narratives about the future evolution of humanity and intelligence in the universe. As stated above, there have been diverse expressions of future consciousness throughout human history, and narratives, as a mode of conscious understanding, in particular resonate with the human mind. Our history is filled with stories of the future, many of which come out of science fiction. As I have argued Lombardo, T. (2006b) “The pursuit of wisdom and the future of education”, in Mack, T. (ed) Creating Global Strategies for Humanity’s Future, Bethesda, MD: World Future Society, pp. 1–23. Lombardo, T. (2006c) Contemporary Futurist Thought: Science Fiction, Future Studies, and Theories and Visions of the Future in the Last Century, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. References Lombardo, T. (2007) “The evolution and psy- chology of future consciousness”, Journal of Futures Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.157–86. Lombardo, T. (1987) The Reciprocity of Perceiver and Environment: The Evolution of James J. Gibson’s Ecological Psychology, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lombardo, T. (2009) “The wisdom of future consciousness”, in Wagner, C. (ed) Innova-tion and Creativity in a Complex World, Bethes- da, MD: World Future Society, pp. 357–82. Lombardo, T. (1996) The Odyssey of the Future. Unpublished manuscript. Lombardo, T. (2010) “Wisdom facing forward: What it means to have heightened future conscious- ness”, The Futurist, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 34–42. HUMAN FUTURES Lombardo, T. (with Lombardo, J.) (2011b) Mind Flight: A Journey into the Future, Bloomington, IN: Xlibris. Lombardo, T. (2015) “Science fiction: The evolutionary mythology of the future”, Journal of Futures Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 5–24. Lombardo, T. (2016) “Future Consciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution - An introduction”, World Future Review, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 116-140. Lombardo, T. (2017) Future Consciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution, Winchester, UK: Changemakers Books. Lombardo, T. (2018) (Forthcoming) Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Fu- ture, Volume One: Prometheus to the Martians, Winchester, UK: Changemakers Books. Lombardo, T. and Richter, J. (2004) “Evolving future consciousness through the pur-suit of virtue”, in Dids- bury, H. (ed) Thinking Creatively in Turbulent Times, Bethesda, MD: World Future Society, pp. 257–88. 25