Human Connections 1 | Page 24

Why does Fanfiction Matter?

By: Magdelena Olivo and Rose Carrasco

A community that surrounds a TV show/book/movie etc. is a neat way for people to express an interest for whatever it is a person likes. These communities are called Fandoms, and it is like being at a huge slumber party fangirling with people who know exactly what you are talking about. People who are in a fandom make a connection with the creators. Humans like the feeling of being accepted, and the thought that a community welcomes them brings light in their eyes. People who are in the fandoms let their imaginations go wild and they write about what they like. Poems, artwork, and fanfictions.

Fanfictions are a way to fuel the reader’s desires. The creator won’t always put in what the viewer wants so fanfictions are a way to let the reader get their way. There are websites, and blogs dedicated to read and create fanfictions. Fans get the opportunity to meet other fans and share what could have happened in the plot. Seeing people come together in world full hate is so wonderful and I’m glad to be a part of it.